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If you are interested in receiving an occasional update about the astronomy resources of the GEAS project or in using any of our materials, please fill in the form below.

If you are working with students at any level and think that our materials could help you to continue teaching while dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus on your community, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can help you to integrate them into an existing program, and discuss how to use them to teach distance learners (such as students working from home).

Please let us know if you are interested in our Summer 2020 lab workshops for instructors.

First Name:
  Last Name:

Do you have a particular interest in any aspect of the GEAS project, or comments for us?

Please tell us about yourself (check as many as apply):

I teach at a research university.
I teach at a four-year college or university without a significant astronomy research program.
I teach at a community college.
I teach at a high school.
I don't currently teach, but expect to in the future.
I do science research.
I do science education research.
I work at a planetarium, museum, nature center, or other informal science institution.
I am a graduate student.
I am a webmaster, blogger, or web designer.
I work as education or public outreach (EPO) staff.
I am a science writer or public information officer.
I am an editor or staff member for a publishing house.
I work at NASA, NSF, NRAO, NOAO, STFC, CSA, or another government science agency.
I am interested in astronomy, and in learning more about GEAS.