
News Archive

  • 2023
    • Nov 2023: AstroBites writeup on the paper led by Raul Chametla, on wave interference in planet migration.
    • Nov 2023: 2nd workshop of the TCAN planet formation collaboration, in Tucson AZ.
    • Sep 2023: Took role as AAS agent for NMSU.
    • Sep 2023: XRP grant awarded! PI Daniel Carrera.
    • Aug 2023: Paper submitted! Led by Manuel Cañas.
    • Aug 2023: Paper submitted! Led by Felipe Alarcón. [November updated: accepted]
    • Aug 2023: Teaching at the CCA summer school on computational hydrodynamics.
    • Jul 2023: Paper submitted! Led by Zsolt Sandor.
    • Jul 2023: EW grant awarded! PI Daniel Carrera.
    • Jun 2023: Summer AAS in Albuquerque.
    • May 2023: Paper accepted! Led by Raul Chametla.
    • Apr 2023: Research note on stability of generalized hyperviscosity.
    • Apr 2023: Protostars and planets 7 in Kyoto.
    • Mar 2023: Awarded the 2023 NMSU Teaching Academy "Truly Innovative Teaching Award".
    • Mar 2023: Awarded the 2023 NMSU College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award in Teaching.
    • Mar 2023: Attending conference Where are the Objects in AGN Disks?, in Santa Fe, NM.
    • Feb 2023: Invited colloquium at the Center for Computational Astrophysics in NYC.
    • Feb 2023: Manuel Cañas graduated with MSc thesis on streaming instability and pebble accretion.
    • Jan 2023: Attending conference Magnetism and Accretion.
    • Jan 2023: Paper accepted! On polydisperse pebble accretion
  • 2022
    • Nov 2022: Visiting Kedron Silsbee at UTEP (University of Texas at El Paso).
    • Nov 2022: Invited talk at the Streaming Instabilityand VSI remote workshop.
    • Oct 2022: Visiting the Institute of Theory and Computation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
    • Sep 2022: Paper submitted! Third author, on planet migration, led by Raúl Chametla.
    • Sep 2022: Paper submitted! First author, on pebble accretion [Jan 2023 update: accepted].
    • Aug 2022: Grant sub-awarded for research on black hole formation via the AGN channel.
    • Jul 2022: Paper submitted! On black hole formation in AGN disks, led by Syeda Nasim.
    • Jul 2022: $366k NASA-EW grant awarded to study the formation of Kuiper belt objects.
    • Jul 2022: Paper submitted!
    • Jun 2022: Paper accepted! Led by PhD student Ali Hyder.
    • Jun 2022: Hosting conference Planets in the Desert: A Streaming Instability Code Comparison Workshop.
    • May 2022: Paper submitted! On black hole formation in stellar clusters. Led by Nathan Leigh. [Dec 2022 update: accepted]
    • May 2022: Awarded the 2022 NMSU College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award in Research.
    • Apr 2022: Tenure.
    • Apr 2022: Attending conference Intermediate-mass Black Holes: New Science from Stellar Evolution to Cosmology
    • Apr 2022: Paper accepted!, led by Spandan Dash and Liton Majumdar, on atmospheric chemistry of Hot Jupiters' astmospheres.
    • Apr 2022: Nature paper published! Led by Thayne Currie.
    • Mar 2022: Chapter for PP7 on arxiv.
    • Mar 2022: Paper accepted! Led by Casey Lisse, on hypervolatiles (or lack thereof) in Oort clouds comets.
    • Feb 2022: Paper accepted! Led by Thayne Currie, I'm lead theory author.
    • Jan 2022: Paper published.
    • Jan 2022: Teaching Astr621: Planet Formation Theory.
  • 2021
    • Nov 2021: Hosting Marcelo Barraza.
    • Nov 2021: First student paper from NMSU submitted! Led by PhD student Ali Hyder.
    • Oct 2021: Colloquium at LANL.
    • Sep 2021: Paper submitted!
    • Sep 2021: Invited talk at the (online) conference Spinning Fluids.
    • Aug 2021: Teaching Life in the Universe, an upper division course at NMSU for non-majors.
    • Jul 2021: Research note on elliptic vortex solution.
    • Jun 2021: Paper accepted.
    • Apr 2021: Awarded 100k SUs (6.8M CPU hours) on Stampede.
    • Apr 2021: Awarded the 2021 NMSU College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Outreach.
    • Apr 2021: Talk (remote) at Universidad de Concepcion, Chile, host Nathan Leigh.
    • Mar 2021: Paper on vortex trapping posted at the arXiv. A route for planet formation in very low metallicity stars.
    • Feb 2021: Hired Dr Debanjan Sengupta as postdoc. Dr Sengupta will start in Dec 2021 in our group.
    • Jan 2021: Teaching Astro 506: Dynamics and Hydrodynamics, a PhD course at NMSU
  • 2020
    • Dec 2020: Paper submitted! Second author, led by Natalie Raettig, on vortex trapping in 3D.
    • Dec 2020: XSEDE renewal awarded. 80k node hours (5M cpu hours). $20k equivalent.
    • Dec 2020: Course webpage for Astro 503, with online video playlists.
    • Nov 2020: Paper submitted! To Astronomy Education Journal, on original pedagogy teaching Kepler's 2nd law.
    • Nov 2020: Attending (online) Planetesimal Formation Meeting.
    • Oct 2020: Talk at DPS 2020.
    • Oct 2020: $1.3M NASA-TCAN grant awarded to study planet formation via streaming instability.
    • Oct 2020: Colloquium (remote) at Iowa State Univeristy (host Jake Simon).
    • Sep 2020: Paper submitted, on the Pencil Code, led by Axel Brandenburg.
    • Sep 2020: Paper submitted, on planet detection by disk dynamics, led by Richard Teague.
    • Aug 2020: Paper accepted, on the evolution of ices in Arrokoth, led by Casey Lisse.
    • Aug 2020: Teaching Astro 503: Fundamental Astronomy
    • Jul 2020: $324k NSF grant awarded to study planet formation via dynamical instabilities.
    • Jul 2020: Pencil code meeting in (the virtual version of) Glasgow, Scotland.
    • Jun 2020: Courses (remote) on exoplanets and mathematical epidemiology for the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science.
    • Apr 2020: Interview for Las Cruces Community Radio.
    • Apr 2020: Invited talk on the (forced into remote) conference Building Blocks of Planets.
    • Apr 2020: Paper submitted! to PLOS One, on mathematical modeling of the covid-19 pandemics, first author. [medRxiv]. [July update: accepted; September update: published]
    • Apr 2020: Paper submitted! on the sublimation history of MU69, led by Jordan Steckloff. [July update: accepted.]
    • Mar 2020: COVID-19 LOCKDOWN!!
    • Mar 2020: Talk at New Horizons team meeting.
    • Mar 2020: Talk at Steward Observatory in Tucson AZ.
    • Mar 2020: Fourth Star News column.
    • Mar 2020: Paper submitted! on dynamics of stellar mass objects in AGN disks, led by Amy Secunda. [Sep update: accepted]
    • Mar 2020: Paper submitted! on dust dynamics in RHD disk models, led by Mario Flock. [May update: accepted]
    • Feb 2020: Out In Space podcast launched! With interviews with out LGBT+ astronomers.
    • Feb 2020: Second AoT Las Cruces event.
    • Feb 2020: M.Sc. student Leonardo Cassara admitted for PhD studies in Brazil. Congrats Leo!
    • Feb 2020: M.Sc. student Areli Castrejon admitted for PhD studies in the Netherlands. Congrats Areli!
    • Feb 2020: Third Star News column.
    • Feb 2020: Moderated panel on the 90th anniversary of Pluto's discovery by Clyde Tombaugh.
    • Jan 2020: Launched Astronomy on Tap Las Cruces.
    • Jan 2020: Public talk at the Astronomical Society of Las Cruces.
    • Jan 2020: Teaching Planet Formation Theory (PhD course).
    • Jan 2020: Second Star News article on our local newspaper, the Las Cruces Sun News.
  • 2019
    • Dec 2019: Ad Astra 2019 Rio de Janeiro!
    • Dec 2019: Started writing for our local newspaper, the Las Cruces Sun News. My monthly column is Star News, every first Sunday of the month. Here's the first one: Zeroing in on an alien ocean.
    • Nov 2019: Paper submitted! on Social Sciences (!!), about our outreach/education program Ad Astra academy! [soc arXiv]
    • Oct 2019: Paper submitted! On the orbital evolution of MU69 aka Ultima Thule.
    • Oct 2019: Attending the Disk Dynamics conference at the CCA in NYC.
    • Oct 2019: Talk at Las Cruces High School.
    • Aug 2019: Started employment at New Mexico State University.
    • Jul 2019: Paper accepted!, led by Barry McKernan, on Hill sphere contraction after black hole merger in AGN disks.
    • Jul 2019: Seminar at the MPIA.
    • Jul 2019: Invited review at the Ringberg meeting on accretion disks and planet formation.
    • May 2019: Student graduated! Areli Castrejon defends his masters thesis! The committee was Luca Ricci, Adam Burgasser, Farisa Morales, Geoffrey Bryden, and myself.
    • May 2019: Invited talk at the CCA meeting on planet formation in NYC.
    • May 2019: Contributed talk at the New Horizons meeting in Victoria BC.
    • Apr 2019: Paper published in Science!!, and out of embargo. Led by Chris Manser, on the discovery of an asteroid orbiting a white dwarf.
    • Mar 2019: Wrote a white paper on computational planet formation for the Astro2020 decadal survey.
    • Mar 2019: Contributed talk at the Frejus meeting on planetesimal formation.
    • Mar 2019: Paper accepted!, led by Clement Baruteau, on vortices in disks applied to MWC 758.
    • Mar 2019: Invited talk at the workshop Black hole mergers in AGN disks, at the Flatiron CCA in NYC, the very first workshop on this topic!
    • Feb 2019: Paper accepted!, led by Chris Manser, on white dwarf disks.
    • Feb 2019: Student paper submitted!!, with Areli Castrejon (MSc student) as first author! On photoelectric instabilities in debris disks, with Alex Richert and Marc Kuchner. June update: accepted.
    • Feb 2019: Paper submitted!, led by Thayne Currie. May update: accepted.
    • Feb 2019: NatGeo grant obtained to start Ad Astra in Nigeria!
    • Feb 2019: AGU grant obtained for continuing Ad Astra in Brazil!
    • Jan 2019: Several new students join the group, also Dr Farisa Morales!
    • Jan 2019: The Ad Astra movie, Mars Academy, premiers at the Borrego Springs Film Festival!
  • 2018
    • Dec 2018: Computer time awarded at XSEDE/Stampede (800k CPU hours).
    • Dec 2018: Talk at Dimitri Mawet's group meeting at Caltech.
    • Nov 2018: Talk at Sagan Fellows symposium.
    • Nov 2018: Visiting Zhaohuan Zhu and Chao-Chin Yang at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
    • Oct 2018: XRP grant awarded as Co-I, led by Karen Willacy at JPL.
    • Oct 2018: Talk at California State University, Long Beach.
    • Oct 2018: Talk at Interdisciplinary Reseach Institute for the Sciences, CSUN.
    • Oct 2018: Paper accepted! First author ApJ research note on vortex-trapping of dust grains. [ADS]
    • Sep 2018: Paper accepted! Led by Nathan Leigh, on black hole mergers. [ADS]
    • Aug 2018: Teaching Dynamical Astronomy!
    • Aug 2018: Paper accepted! Led by Barry McKernan, on black hole mergers in AGN disks. [ADS]
    • Aug 2018: Visiting Anders Johansen and Michiel Lambrechts in Lund, Sweden.
    • Aug 2018: Talk at MPIA.
    • Jul 2018: Paper submitted! Led by Clement Baruteau, on modeling the MWC 758 disk.
    • Jul 2018: Visiting Hans Rickman in Poland. Talk at the Nicolaus Copernicus Center in Warsaw.
    • Jul 2018: Ad Astra is back in Brazil!
    • Jul 2018: Talk at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Heidelberg.
    • Jun 2018: Visiting the Planet and Star formation group at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg for 2 months.
    • Jul 2018: Paper submitted! Led by Amy Secunda, on black hole mergers in AGN disks. [ADS]
    • Jun 2018: Visiting Fellow at the Max-Planck Institute of Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, for 2 months.
    • Jun 2018: Paper submitted! Led by Paula Izquierdo, on disks around white dwarfs. Sep update: accepted.
    • May 2018: Paper submitted! Led by Simon Casassus on cm-wavelength observations of MWC 758 [arXiv]. Our model for steady state dust trapping (Lyra & Lin 2013) does a pretty good job on explaining the observations.
    • Apr 2018: Paper submitted! First author, with Orkan Umurhan. Review on thermal instabilities in disks. Oct update: accepted.
    • Apr 2018: Offered crash-course on Astrobiology and Astrochemistry.
    • Mar 2018: Text on the Planetaria magazine, on our outreach project, Ad Astra Academy (in \ Portuguese).
    • Mar 2018: Talk at CSUN planetarium.
    • Feb 2018: Paper accepted! Led by Alex Richert, on the photoelectric instability in deb\ ris disks. [arXiv]. NASA made a neat video.
    • Feb 2018: Hosting the student Felipe Alarcon, from Chile, for a month.
    • Feb 2018: M.Sc. student Vincent Carpenter off to a Ph.D. program at the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany.
    • Jan 2018: Work featured at IFLS.
    • Jan 2018: Talk at CSULA.
    • Jan 2018: Dr Ricci wins grant from NRAO to measure the drift of pebbles in transitional disks!
    • Jan 2018: Dr Ana Maria Piso joins the Origins Lab as a postdoc.
  • 2017
    • Dec 2017: In Bangladesh for another edition of our outreach program, Ad Astra Academy!
    • Dec 2017: Dr Luca Ricci joins the Origins Lab, as a postdoc, hosted at JPL.
    • Nov 2017: Co-hosting workshop Numerical Simulations of Planet-Disk Interactions, in Cuernavaca, Mexico, with Frédéric Masset.
    • Oct 2017: Our group's webpage is live!
    • Sep 2017: Paper submitted! Student paper, led by Alex Richert, on the photoelectric instability in debris disks. [arXiv] A follow-up of my Nature paper with Marc Kuchner, including radiation pressure.
    • Sep 2017: Talk at ExSoCal17.
    • Sep 2017: Alex Richert, Penn State student I've been co-advising since 2013 is now Dr Richert!
    • Sep 2017: Talk at Penn State University Habitable worlds seminar.
    • Sep 2017: Paper submitted! On dust coagulation in transition disks. First author Zsolt Sándor.
    • Aug 2017: CSUN Principal Investigators Recognition for outstanding achievement in research.
    • Aug 2017: Paper submitted! On radiation hydrodynamics in circumstellar disks. First author Mario Flock (Oct update: accepted).
    • Aug 2017: Presenting about the JPL Europa Clipper mission at AstroCon17 in Casper WY, at the occasion of the total eclipse. Pictures at LA Daily News
    • Aug 2017: Paper submitted! Student paper, led by Blake Hord, my high-school intern, on observational signatures of high-mass planets in disks. [arXiv]
    • Aug 2017: Origins Lab student Leonardo Sattler-Cassara successfully defended his M.Sc dissertation. Congrats to the newest master of Planetary Sciences!
    • Aug 2017: Paper submitted! Student paper, led by Leonardo Sattler-Cassara, on ice shell convection on Jupiter's moon Europa. Video of one of the simulations in the paper.
    • Aug 2017: On SOC for ExSoCal17. 3rd gathering of Exoplanets in Southern California.
    • Jul 2017: Visiting Min-Kai Lin at Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA), in Taipei, Taiwan.
    • Jul 2017: Paper submitted! First author, on orbital advection algorithms for disk MHD. [arXiv] (Aug update: accepted)
    • Jul 2017: Paper submitted! On planet migration in the low-mass regime. First author Colin McNally. [arXiv] (Aug update: accepted)
    • Jul 2017: Origins Lab Student Joshua Shevchuk attending SOMA in Moscow.
    • Jul 2017: Lecturing at the 13th School of Modern Astrophysics at the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute.
    • Jun 2017: On SOC for Numerical Simulations of Planet-Disk Interactions, in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
    • Jun 2017: Presenting at workshop Comet formation paradigm after Rosetta in Sofia.
    • Jun 2017: Visiting Zsolt Sándor at ELTE, Budapest.
    • Jun 2017: Dr Natalia Dzyurkevich joins the Origins Lab, as a postdoc, hosted at JPL.
    • May 2017: Talk at Uppsala University.
    • May 2017: Origins Lab students Vincent Carpenter, Areli Castrejon, and Leonardo Cassara attend Phase Transitions Workshop.
    • May 2017: Co-chairing program Phase Transitions in Astrophysics, at Nordita, Stockholm.
    • May 2017: Origins Lab student Chris Malek awarded summer research grant.
    • May 2017: Talk on Europa at De Toledo High School.
    • May 2017: Visiting Adam Burgasser at UC San Diego.
    • May 2017: Aisha Iyer defends her M.Sc. thesis! She's off to start her PhD at Arizona State University.
    • Apr 2017: Origins Lab's Areli Castrejon present at the CSU-wide symposium at San Luis-Obispo.
    • Apr 2017: Visiting Nienke van der Marel at University of Hawaii.
    • Apr 2017: Visiting Sally Dodson-Robinson and Debanjan Segupta in Delaware.
    • Mar 2017: Origins Lab's Vincent Carpenter and Aisha Iyer get prizes for their poster presentations at the CSUN department Open House!
    • Mar 2017: Paper submitted! On binary hardening in AGN disks. First author Nate Leigh. (Nov update: accepted!)
    • Mar 2017: Attending LPSC in The Woodlands, Texas.
    • Mar 2017: Retreat in Denver for planning Ad Astra!
    • Feb 2017: Paper submitted! On black-hole mergers in AGN disks. First author Barry McKernan. [arXiv]
    • Feb 2017: Talk at KITP.
    • Jan 2017: Attending the KITP program Confronting MHD Theories of Accretion Disks with Observations.
    • Jan 2017: Visiting Simon Casassus in Santiago, Chile. Talk at Observatório Calán and Universidad Católica.

  • 2016
    • Nov 2016: Talk at UC Santa Cruz.
    • Oct 2016: Colloquium at San Francisco State University.
    • Oct 2016: Presenting at DPS as co-author. Led by Orkan Umurhan.
    • Oct 2016: NASA exoplanets grant awarded to study Super-Earth formation!
    • Oct 2016: Talk at the XV Latin-American Regional IAU Meeting (LARIM) in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
    • Sep 2016: SOC of ExSoCal 2016. Blake presents his work.
    • Aug 2016: Paper accepted for publication in PASA. Led by Thomas Haworth.
    • Aug 2016: Teaching junior-level Mathematical Methods in Physics I.
    • Aug 2016: M.Sc. students Vincent Carpenter and Amanda Rowen join group to work on self-gravity and ice shell convection, respectively.
    • Jul 2016: High-school intern Blake Hord joins the group to work on radiative transfer post-processing of our simulations.
    • Jul 2016: M.Sc. student Leonardo Sattler-Cassara joins the group to study convection in icy moons.
    • Jul 2016: M.Sc. student Alexandra Yep graduated. Ms Yep went on to a PhD program at Georgia State University.
    • Jun 2016: Hubble cycle 24 grant awarded to study the photoelectric instability in debris disks!
    • Jun 2016: Visiting MPIA in Heidelberg.
    • May 2016: B.Sc. student Sean Snyder graduated. Mr Snyder found a job in industry.
    • May 2016: Got an internal CSUN grant to study convection in icy moons!
    • Apr 2016: Invited colloquium at Caltech.
    • Mar 2016: Got computer time on Stampede!
    • Feb 2016: Story on CSUN Today<\ /a>, CSUN's local newsleter, on mygroup and our research.
    • Feb 2016: Co-authored white paper on the need for laboratory work for characterizing the atmosphere\ s of exoplanets. Led by Jonathan Fortney.
    • Feb 2016: Talk at Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity II\ I, in Ishighaki island, Okinawa, Japan.
    • Jan 2016: Teaching upper level undergraduate course Radiative Processes.

  • 2015
    • Dec 2015: Visiting Shu-ichiro Inutsuka at Nagoya University for two months as a JSPS (Japanese Society for the Progress of Science) fellow.
    • Nov 2015: Back in Rio for Mars Academy, take two!
    • Nov 2015: Paper accepted! We have \ a neat model to explain the mysterious thermal emission from HD 100546. With help from my co-authors Alex Riche\ rt (PSU), Aaron Boley (UBC), Neal Turner, Mario Flock, Satoshi Okuzumi (JPL), and Mordecai-Mark Mac Low (AMNH).
    • Nov 2015: Invited Yuk Lunch seminar at Caltech GPS.
    • Sep 2015: Invited talk at conference Protoplanetary Disk Dynamics and Planet Formation, in Tokyo, Japan.
    • Sep 2015: Talk at ExSoCal 2015 workshop at Caltech.
    • Sep 2015: Paper submitted!, first author, with Alex Richert (PSU), Aaron Boley (UBC), Neal Turner, Mario Flock, Satoshi Okuzumi (JPL), and Mordecai-Mark Mac Low (AMNH).
    • Aug 2015: Teaching MSc course Select Topics in Astrophysics.
    • Aug 2015: Moved back to Los Angeles to start faculty position at CSUN.
    • Jun 2015: Mars Academy! Our outreach program in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro has started! Update: The program is thriving! In November it will restart with out international team.
    • Jun 2015: Accepted faculty position at California State University, Northridge.
    • Jun 2015: Invited review at conference The Origins of Planetary Systems: from the Current View to New Horizons in Tokyo, Japan.
    • May 2015: Invited seminars at NASA Goddard, Princeton, JPL, and UFRJ.
    • Apr 2015: Live interview for Science and Astronomy's hangout podcast show (in Portuguese).
    • Apr 2015: Invited talk at conference The Magneto-Rotational instability confronts the observations.
    • Apr 2015: Op-ed Reach for the stars: Favela children to control NASA Mars mission, for the Toronto-based independent news website The Mark News.
    • Apr 2015: Paper accepted! First-authored by PhD student Alex Richert (Penn State), on the effects of shock heating by very high-mass planets in protoplanetary disks.
    • Mar 2015: Q&A session for Galileu, a major monthly popular science publication in Brazil.
    • Mar 2015: Interview for Veja, a major weekly newsletter in Brazil (in Portuguese).
    • Mar 2015: Op-ed Well you say you listen to stars. Astronomy and Brazil joining ESO, on the occasion of the Brazilian chamber of deputies voting on the project (in Portuguese).
    • Mar 2015: Live interview for Science in Movement show in TV Rede Petrópolis, Brazil (in Portuguese).
    • Mar 2015: Talking in Leiden's and Amsterdam's colloquia.
    • Mar 2015: Invited talk at conference Transition Disks and Planet Formation, plus invited colloquia in Leiden and Amsterdam. Visiting Nienke van der Marel, Paola Pinilla, and Chris Ormel.
    • Feb 2015: Moved back to Rio de Janeiro for faculty job at UFRJ.
    • Feb 2015: Initiative Mars Academy for science outreach in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
    • Feb 2015: Faculty job interview at California State University, Northridge (CSUN).
    • Jan 2015: Visiting Melissa Rice at Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. I'll be giving a talk on planet formation at the physics department, and another about ice shell convection in Europa at the geology department.

  • 2014
    • Dec 2014: Visiting Aaron Boley at the University of British Columbia (UBC), in Vancouver.
    • Nov 2014: Paper accepted! Led by Natalie Raettig (MPIA-Heidelberg), on particle trapping and streaming instability in disk vortices.
    • Nov 2014: Goulash and planet formation! Üdvözlet, Magyarország! Visiting Zsolt Sandor and Zsolt Regaly at Konkoly Observatory in Budapest for a week.
    • Oct 2014: Faculty job interview at Niel Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • Nov 2014: Invited seminar at UC Santa Barbara; visiting Omer Blaes.
    • Oct 2014: Faculty job interview at Uppsala University, Sweden.
    • Oct 2014: Paper accepted!, with Neal Turner (JPL) and Colin McNally (NBI), on the Rossby wave instability in the outer dead/active zone transition.
    • Oct 2014: Interview for the astronomy podcast series at McGill university!
    • Sep 2014: Talk at McGill; visiting Andrew Cumming.
    • Jul 2014: Attending Pencil Code Meeting in Göttingen, Germany.
    • Jun 2014: Attending meeting of the Canadian Astronomical Society in Quebec City.
    • May 2014: Invited seminar at UCLA.
    • May 2014: Paper accepted! Solo-author work on the newly-discovered linear convective overstability in accretion disks.
    • Apr 2014: Invited seminar at Berkeley; visiting Chris Ormel.
    • Apr 2014: Got faculty position at UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    • Mar 2014: Paper submitted! First-authored by Alex Richert (Penn State), on an interesting behaviour we found in the wakes of high-mass planets in disks.
    • Mar 2014: Konnichiwa, Nihon! Visiting Shu-ichiro Inutsuka at Nagoya University and Shigeru Ida in Tokyo Tech for 3 weeks.
    • Jan 2014: Faculty job interview at Florida Institute of Technology.

  • 2013
    • Apr 2013: Aloha, Hawai'i. Talk at Exoplanets and disks: their formation and diversity II.
    • Nov 2013: Visiting Sijme-Jan Paardekooper in Cambridge, UK.
    • Nov 2013: Visiting Sweden, talk at Uppsala, Nordita.
    • Oct 2013: Invited seminar at JPL (yes, I work there, but it's a huge place!).
    • Aug 2013: Interview for podcasting show Stuttering is Cool.
    • Aug 2013: Talk in Heidelberg; visiting Kees Dullemond and Hubert Klahr.
    • Aug 2013: Talk at GPS.
    • Aug 2013: Paper accepted! First-author work, with Min-Kai Lin (CITA), deriving the analytical solution for dust trapping by disk vortices. The results are applicable to the large asymmetries recently seen in mm and sub-mm observations. (Update: this has been called the Lyra-Lyn solution).
    • Jul 2013: Paper accepted! First-author work, published in Nature, in collaboration with Marc Kuchner (GSFC), on the photoelectric instability in debris and transitional disks, and how it leads to the usual patterns attributed to unseen planets.
    • Jun 2013: Invited seminar at Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    • Jun 2013: Attending Pencil Code Meeting in Lund, Sweden.
    • Jun 2013: Talk at Centre d'Energie Atomique (CEA), Paris; visiting Sebastien Fromang, Mario Flock, Natalie Dzyurkevich, and Peggy Varniere.
    • May 2013: Talk at Caltech's Department of Geology and Planetary Sciences (GPS).
    • Apr 2013: Public talk at BIL conference, Long Beach, CA.
    • Apr 2013: Aloha, Hawai'i, attending workshop 2013 Rocks! on transitional disks and ALMA.
    • Apr 2013: Faculty job interview at BMCC, New York.
    • Apr 2013: Faculty job interview at University of Toronto, Canada.
    • Jan 2013: Paper accepted! Student paper, led by Natalie Raettig (MPIA), on a thorough parameter study of the baroclinic instability in local models of protoplanetary disks.

  • 2012

  • 2011
    • Dec 2011: Started Sagan fellowship with Neal Turner at JPL!
    • Dec 2011: Natalie Raettig and I are visiting Hanno Rein and presenting at astro-coffee at Princeton.
    • Oct 2011: Attending Pencil Code meeting in Toulouse, France.
    • Oct 2011: Talk at Nordita.
    • Oct 2011: Presenting at EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011; Nantes, France.
    • Sep 2011: Invited review at Dynamics and Formation of the Oort Cloud; Lille, France.
    • Sep 2011: Talk at Nordita.
    • Oct 2011: Teaching a planetary sciences course at AMNH.
    • Aug 2011: Paper accepted! First-authored by Barry McKernan, on migration of black holes in AGN disks.
    • Aug 2011: Paper accepted! Second-author work, first-authored by Sebastien Fromang, on meridional flows (or lack thereof) in MHD.
    • Jun 2011: Invited talk at Ringberg Workshop on Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid flow: Baroclinic Instability and Protoplanetary Accretion Disks; Ringberg Castle, Bavaria, Germany.
    • May 2011: Visiting Richard Nelson; talk at Queen Mary University, London, UK.
    • Apr 2011: Attending The Nature of Turbulence workshop, at KITP, Santa Barbara, CA, with Hubert Klahr and Natalie Raettig.
    • Apr 2011: Talk at Annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of New York, Rochester, NY.
    • Feb 2011: Talk at workshop Planet formation and evolution, Göttingen, Germany.
    • Feb 2011: Talk at Harvard-Smithsonian CfA.
    • Feb 2011: Talk at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
    • Jan 2011: Awarded Sagan fellowship!
    • Jan 2011: Paper accepted! Second-author work, first-authored by Zsolt Sándor, on how convergence zones can help form larger cores.

  • 2010
    • Dec 2010: Invited talk at NASA Goddard. Visiting Marc Kuchner.
    • Dec 2010: Visiting Hanno Rein, Tobi Heinemann, and Andras Zsom at Princeton; led astro-coffee discussion.
    • Nov 2010: Talk at Columbia.
    • Nov 2010: Talk at AMNH.
    • Nov 2010: Paper accepted!First-author work, with Hubert Klahr, on the magnetic properties of vortices and the baroclinic instability in protoplanetary disks.
    • Oct 2010: Attending workshop "The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems: Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution" in Turin, Italy.
    • Aug 2010: Awarded NSF grant! $460K for 3 years.
    • Jul 2010: Hosting Pencil Code meeting in NYC.
    • Jun 2010: Visiting Neal Turner for two weeks at JPL.
    • Apr 2010: Paper accepted! First-authored work, with Sijme-Jan Paardekooper and Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, on how inward and outward migration lead to convergence zones and avoid catastrophic infall.
    • Jan 2010: Started teaching a stellar astrophysics course at AMNH.

  • 2009
    • Nov 2009: Seminar at AMNH.
    • Nov 2009: Moved to NYC for postdoc with Mordecai Mac Low.
    • Aug 2009: Attending IAU in Rio.
    • Aug 2009: Hosted Pencil Code Meeting.
    • Jul 2009: Got grants from European (ERC) and German research councils (DFG) to fund Pencil Code Meeting.
    • Apr 2009: Moved to Heidelberg for a six month fellowship with Hubert Klahr at MPIA in between finishing PhD in Uppsala and starting postdoc in NYC.
    • Mar 2009: Paper accepted! First-author work, with Anders Johansen, on rapid planet formation via RWI at dead zone boundaries, with all the gory details omitted from the 2008 letter.
    • Mar 2009: Invited seminar at Lund.
    • Feb 2009: Defended PhD thesis! Dr Lyra!

  • 2008

  • 2007
    • Dec 2007: Paper accepted! First-author work, with Anders Johansen, on global MHD models of accretion disks, with Lagrangian particles. This is the first paper to see the emergence of zonal flows and analyze its particle-trapping properties.
    • Oct 2007: Defended licenciate (master) thesis, on magnetohydrodynamics of accretion disks and planet formation. Got Ph.Lic. (M.Sc. equiv).
    • Oct 2007: Attending workshop Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, in Suzhou, China.
    • Aug 2007: Attending Pencil Code Meeting in Stockholm.

  • 2006

  • 2005
    • Nov 2005: Attending workshop on planet formation in Leiden, the Netherlands.
    • Oct 2005: Paper accepted! First-authored by Rafael Pinotti, on a possible metallicity-SMA correlation in exoplanets.
    • Apr 2005: Visiting Axel Brandenburg in Copenhagen.
    • Mar 2005: Attending workshop "From Disks to Planets: New Observations, Models, and Theories", in Pasadena, CA.
    • Feb 2005: Start working with the Pencil Code.

  • 2004
    • Nov 2004: Visiting André Moitinho in Lisbon.
    • Oct 2004: Paper accepted! First-author work, on the age-rotation-activity relationship for solar-type stars, measured in Hα. Based on my undergraduate thesis work.
    • Oct 2004: Attending ESA school on planetary sciences, in L'Aquila, Italy.
    • Sep 2004: Start PhD in Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, under mentorship of Nikolai Piskunov.
    • Jul 2004: Finish work in Chile.

  • 2003
    • Aug-Oct 2003: Visiting João Alves at ESO Garching, Germany, and André Moitinho at Lisbon Observatory, Portugal.
    • Jul 2003: Started working at CTIO, La Serena, Chile, under mentorship of Nicole van der Bliek.
    • Jun 2003: Defended undergraduate thesis (B.Sc. in Astronomy).

  • 2002
    • Dec 2002: Observing run at OPD (w/o supervision).
    • Oct 2002: Observing run at OPD (w/o supervision).
    • Aug 2002: Started undegraduate thesis work on calibrating the H-alpha line as indicator of chromospheric activity in solar-type stars.
    • Jun 2002: Summer Student Program at Space Telescope in Baltimore, MD. 10 weeks under mentorship of Daniela Calzetti.
    • May 2002: Observing run at OPD.

  • 2001
    • Oct 2001: Observing run at OPD.
    • Sep 2001: Observing run at OPD.
    • Aug 2001: Work on Alpha Centauri presented at annual meeting of Brazilian Astronomical Society.
    • Jun 2001: Observing run at OPD.

  • 2000
    • Oct 2000: Observing run at OPD.
    • May 2000: First observing run at the 1.6m telescope at Observatório do Pico dos Dias (OPD), in Brazópolis, MG, Brazil.
    • Apr 2000: Start undergraduate research project on spectroscopical analysis of the Alpha Centauri binary system, mentored by Gustavo Porto de Mello, and with fellow undergrad student Graziela Keller.

  • 1999
    • Apr 1999: Start undergraduate studies in astronomy at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.