Radiative Processes in Astrophysics - ASTR 401
Lectures for the course Radiative Processes in Astrophysics, upper level undergraduate course at CSUN. Offered in the spring since 2016.
Chapter 4 (Radiative Transfer);
Chapter 5 (Stellar Structure);
Chapter 6 (Stellar Evolution).
Course Structure
- Class 1
- Syllabus and overall overview.
- Class 2
- Principles of Radiative Transfer. Flux and magnitudes.
- Class 3
- Intensity, luminosity, Stefan-Boltzmann law.
- Class 4
- Wien's displacement law, intro to Kirchhoff's laws.
- Class 5
- Absorption and emission. Optical depth.
- Class 6
- Equation of radiative transfer. Solutions in optically thin and thick limits.
- Class 7
- Class 8
- From Bremsstrahlung to Blackbody. Formation of the continuum.
- Class 9
- Microphysics of radiative transfer, Einstein coefficients.
- Class 10
- Class 11
- Radiation pressure. Plane-parallel approximation, radiative equilibrium. Gray approximation.
- Class 12
- Rossland approximation; Rossland, Planck mean opacities. Eddington approximation.
- Class 13
- Stellar energy and virial theorem.
- Class 14
- Convection and full equations of stellar structure.
- Class 15
- Boltzmann and Saha equations
- Class 16
- Class 17
- Nucleosynthesis. Coulomb barrier and tunneling.
- Class 18
- Nucleosynthesis. Proton-proton chain, CNO, triple alpha.
- Class 19
- Low mass stellar evolution. Core and shell burning.
- Class 20
- Low mass stellar evolution. Degeneracy and helium flash.
- Class 21
- High mass stellar evolution. Climbing the alpha ladder. Photodisintegration.
- Class 22
- High mass stellar evolution. Powering a supernova.
- Class 23
- Stellar remnants. Structure of white dwarfs.