A summary of all network pixel oscillations from the first half of the 1700 Å data is displayed in Figure 6.6. In contrast to the results from the internetwork pixels, the most common network oscillation is a well defined peak with a longer period of log10(P) = 2.41 (P ~ 260 s), lasting for 2-3 cycles, with a lower occurrence rate of 0.19 (i.e., 1 in 5 pixels contain an oscillation at this period for this lifetime; the distribution of the occurrence rate is broader in the network). As in the internetwork, there are few oscillations below log10(P) = 2.2 (P ~ 160 s), and all the LLOs occur near the acoustic band. However, the network contains an extended tail at the 25-50% level up to periods of log10(P) = 2.9 (P ~ 800 s). Hasan & Kalkofen (1999) suggest a scenario whereby kink-mode waves generated in the photospheric network may travel up through the chromosphere, before coupling with saugage-mode waves. The extended tail of the network oscillations in Figure 6.6 may be the oscillatory signature of the kink-mode wave at P = 534 s (log10(P) = 2.73). In the 1216 Å and 1550 Å passbands this tail is less evident, hence these waves may have coupled in the high chromosphere.
Figure 6.7 repeats the comparison of the wavelet analysis and classical Fourier approaches of Figure 6.5, but applied to the network data. Figure 6.7 displays a rise of power (Fourier) and occurrence rate (wavelet) with increasing period, reaching a maximum around log10(P) = 2.45 (P ~ 280 s). The two curves reach a minimum around log10(P) = 2.6 (P ~ 400 s), followed by a gradual increase. Again the fall-off at log10(p) >3.0 is due to the high-pass filter performed on the light curves.