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Oscillation Recurrence

Table 6.2: Recurrence rates for network pixels (total 5999)
Selection Block A Block B Both Blocks
Criteria No. pixels % of total No. pixels % of total No. pixels % of A % of B
LLO 64 1 103 2 0 - -
2-3 cycles 4857 81 4611 77 3754 77 81
230-280 s & 2-3 cycles 2090 35 2215 37 818 39 37
230-280 s 3868 64 4138 69 2709 65 70
LLO 142 2 93 2 2 1 2
2-3 cycles 4637 77 4913 82 3812 82 78
230-280 s& 2-3 cycles 2430 41 2337 39 961 40 41
230-280 s 4587 76 4465 74 3429 75 77
LLO 134 2 123 2 4 3 3
2-3 cycles 5173 86 5126 85 4370 85 84
230-280 s& 2-3 cycles 2537 42 2440 41 1024 40 41
230-280 s 4727 79 4515 75 3584 76 79
LLO 131 2 50 1 0 - -
2-3 cycles 4704 78 3516 59 2085 44 59
230-280 s& 2-3 cycles 2470 41 1591 27 679 27 43
230-280 s 4560 76 3051 51 2324 51 76

By comparing how many pixels in block A of each wavelength display a similar behaviour in block B, it is possible to study whether oscillations of specific period and lifetime occur repeatedly (Table 6.2). At each wavelength all network pixels displaying periodicity between 230-280 s in block A were selected and compared to network pixels containing periodicity in the same range in block B. This showed a recurrence rate of ~65-75% in all four UV passbands. This was also carried out for all network pixels displaying oscillations lasting 2-3 cycles at all periods (where the corresponding value was ~75-85%). A study of all network pixels lasting 2-3 cycles and in the range 230-280 s (i.e., at the peak value in the lifetime-period plots), showed ~40% common pixels. As these oscillations are the most frequent, a 40% chance of a recurrence at the same position represents a good candidate for repeated heating of the surrounding plasma.

Table 6.3: Recurrence rates for internetwork pixels (total 28717)
Selection Block A Block B Both Blocks
Criteria No. pixels % of total No. pixels % of total No. pixels % of A % of B
LLO 642 2 613 2 15 1 1
2-3 cycles 24370 85 26427 92 22420 85 92
230-280 s & 2-3 cycles 13709 48 14518 51 6990 51 48
230-280 s 23871 83 25084 87 20866 87 83
LLO 618 2 716 2 18 1 1
2-3 cycles 24078 83 26220 91 21994 91 84
230-280 s & 2-3 cycles 13240 46 13826 48 6337 48 46
230-280 s 23380 81 24640 86 20059 86 81
LLO 777 3 836 3 19 1 1
2-3 cycles 26421 92 26334 92 24248 92 92
230-280 s & 2-3 cycles 14499 50 14594 51 7418 51 51
230-280 s 25355 88 25318 88 22364 88 88
LLO 462 2 161 1 2 1 1
2-3 cycles 23675 82 15763 55 12985 55 82
230-280 s & 2-3 cycles 12592 44 8128 28 3564 28 44
230-280 s 22245 77 14764 51 11457 52 78

In the internetwork, the fraction of pixels showing oscillations recurring in the same location was generally 5-10% higher than in the network (Table 6.3). The internetwork oscillations lasting 2-3 cycles and in the range 230-280 s (with a ~50% recurrence rate) may be the persistent flashers first identified by Brandt et al. (1992). However their studies suggest grains which are persistent flashers should be 5-10 times less likely to occur than normal K2V grains, which in turn suggests a recurrence rate of ~10-17%. The higher value of 50% obtained in these data could be due to the internetwork mask preferentially containing persistent flashers rather than normal internetwork grains.

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James McAteer 2004-01-14