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Search for Travelling Waves

For a pair of wavelengths, λ1 and λ2, at a frequency ν, the power curves, Pλ1(ν) and Pλ2(ν) were created. The cross correlation coefficient, C(Δt, ν), of these power curves as a function of timeshift, Δt, is given by


This is used to evaluate the shift in Pλ2(ν) which results in maximum correlation with Pλ1(ν). This shift, Δtmax_corr, then corresponds to the timelag of Pλ2(ν) onto Pλ1(ν) at frequency ν, and C(Δtmax_corr, ν) is an indication of how good the correlation is. This procedure was then repeated for all frequencies, and between all pairs of wavelengths. From this timelag information, and from a knowledge of the approximate heights of formation (Table 5.1), the speed of possible travelling waves at specific frequencies were calculated (Bocchialini & Baudin 1995; Baudin, Bocchialini, & Koutchmy 1996).

James McAteer 2004-01-14