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Magneto-Acoustic Waves

By taking the scale product of Eqn. 49 with k and B0 in turn leads to a pair of equations which combine to give,

and (for k.v1 = 0) the Alfvén wave of Eqn. 53. As Eqn. 54 is quadratic in (ω2/k2) the solutions are simply,

yielding two outwardly propagating waves termed the fast-mode and the slow-mode (defined by their phase velocity) in addition to the Alfvén wave. The characteristics of each type of wave in a strong and weak magnetic field are summarised in Table 2.1. Essentially, the fast- and slow-mode waves may be regarded as a sound wave modified by the magnetic field, and an Alfvén wave modified by the pressure. In the limits of B = 0 or ρ = 0, the fast-mode becomes a sound wave or Alfvén wave respectively and the slow-mode vanishes.

Table 2.1: Summary of magneto-acoustic modes. Direction of propagation, and dominant restoring force and velocity of waves with strong and weak magnetic fields are given. (after Stein & Leibacher 1974)
Mode of Wave Propagation Direction Magnetic Field
Strong Weak
Alfvén along B Magnetic Tension, vA
Fast Isotropic Magnetic Pressure Gas Pressure
    ~vA ~cS
Slow approximately Gas Pressure Magnetic Tension
  along B ~cS ~vA

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James McAteer 2004-01-14