Double-check that you have entered your access code and selected the type of plot that you wish to create from the pull-down menu above (histogram, y-versus-x plot, or y-versus-x plot with errors), and then select "Create Plot" below. 3.00 4.13 5.46 6.03 2.23 1.15 1.38 1.08 1.99 2.00 2.34 2.34 2.97 3.45 2.78 2.93 25.7 3.00 45.1 4.13 55.3 5.46 57.0 6.03 21.6 2.23 13.0 1.15 14.2 1.38 9.4 1.08 15.8 1.99 16.5 2.00 18.4 2.34 19.8 2.34 10.0 2.97 34.2 3.45 15.3 2.78 28.8 2.93 25.7 3.00 0.40 45.1 4.13 0.35 55.3 5.46 0.40 57.0 6.03 0.35 21.6 2.23 0.40 13.0 1.15 0.40 14.2 1.38 0.40 9.4 1.08 0.40 15.8 1.99 0.35 16.5 2.00 0.35 18.4 2.34 0.35 19.8 2.34 0.35 10.0 2.97 0.40 34.2 3.45 0.35 15.3 2.78 0.35 28.8 2.93 0.40