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Current members and collaborators of the seismology group.

Photo Name Role Link Favorite Hobby
Jason Jackiewicz Professor of Astronomy, Principal Investigator Homepage Tennis
Julio Morales Graduate student (2022), helioseismology, atmospheric gravity waves Homepage
Steve Markham Tombaugh postdoctoral scholar (2023), giant-planet seismology
Chas Miller SONG postdoctoral scientist (2023), SONG instrument development
Patrick Gaulme Collaborator, Thuringian State Observatory, Tautenburg, Germany, asteroseismology, giant-planet seismology Homepage
Joyce Guzik Collaborator, Los Alamos National Lab., asteroseismology

Past members and collaborators of the seismology group.

Photo Name Role Info
Oana Vesa Ph.D. (2024), atmospheric gravity waves NMSU –>Stanford (postdoc.)
Aleczander Herczeg Ph.D. (2024), helioseismology
Annie Hedlund Ph.D. (2024), asteroseismology NMSU –> Los Alamos National Lab.
Cristo Sanchez M.S. (2024), JIVE
Ethan Dederick Ph.D. (2018), giant-planet seismology NMSU –> BlackSky company
Vincent Boening Visitor (2017, as Ph.D. student), helioseismology Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
Laura Mayorga Ph.D. (2017), exoplanets and giant-planet atmospheres NMSU –> Harvard University –> Applied Physics Lab. at Johns Hopkins University
Jean McKeever Ph.D. (2017), asteroseismology NMSU –> Yale University –> Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy
Meredith Rawls Ph.D. (2016), asteroseismology NMSU –> Research Scientist University of Washington, Vera Rubin Observatory
Kyle DeGrave Ph.D. (2015), helioseismology NMSU –> Northwest Reseach Associates
Vigeesh Gangadharan Postdoctoral Researcher (2011-2014), helioseismology, atmospheric gravity waves
people.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 17:32 by jasonj