To setup the scraper to your own particular needs, you should first edit the file to change the date and time of the meeting, as well as who gets the error email when something goes wrong. It should be evident how to do this. Day is a two letter abbreviation of a weekday, where the abbreviations (starting with Monday) are MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU. Hours are in military time, but are converted to the "normal" format for display purposes.If you want the ability to comment on each posting using IntenseDebate, then sign up at
- Be sure to click the box to use IntenseDebate on my website/blog.
- After verifying your email address, add your website address
- Click on 'Generic Install'. All we need from the code is the value of 'var idcomments_acct=',
- In replace YOURHASHGOESHERE with that value and comment out the line 'idcomments=False' line. *** Be sure you have the single quote ticks (\') properly escaped ***
- At the top of the IntenseDebate page goto 'Sites', clicking on your newly setup website, and then in the 'Settings->Misc' section
- Set your comment location to 'Frontpage'.
You'll need to change the affiliation to your own institution/group in the following files:
./index.php ./archive_top.php ./archive_bottom.php ./useful.links ./general.linksYou can change the CSS to your own needs on your own time, if you're setting this up you probably know more than enough to change the weather links and insert a calendar or whatever else you need to do. You probably can use a different CSS sheet, though I don't guarantee that it will work very well without editing to close the correct div tags. Your Milage May Vary.