The Team

We put together a large team to make sure each telescope used in the project had someone to drive the telescope, someone to keep in touch with the other teams, and someone to keep an eye on the recording equipment used. Here's who was where:

ARC 3.5m:

Dr. Nancy Chanover, NMSU
Russett McMillan, Apache Point Observatory / NMSU
Chas Miller, NMSU
Eric Ramesh, NMSU / Planetary Data System

NMSU 1m:

Ron Suggs, NASA MSFC
Jeff Coughlin, NMSU
Liz Klimek, NMSU

NMSU Tortugas Mountain Observatory 24":

Rob Suggs, NASA MSFC
Ryan Hamilton, NMSU
Cat Wu, NMSU

Contact Information

Please contact either Dr. Nancy Chanover or Chas Miller for any inquiries or comments.

New Mexico State University
Department of Astronomy
P.O. Box 30001, MSC 4500
Las Cruces, NM 88003


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