Table of Contents
NMSU Department of Astronomy Wiki
Welcome to the internal NMSU department of astronomy wiki page! The purpose of this wiki is to provide documentation for our users.
For assistance with issues concerning the department infrastructure, please contact Zach and Jon via the issues astronomy email alias (astro-issues at We use this alias to document and track issues in the department.
Note - While we are generally willing to assist with issues relating to personal computers, the department policy is that we will assist on a best efforts attempt for technology not under our direct control. Since we do not have control over your individual computing environment, our solution might be to use the department infrastructure.
General Front Office Information
Useful Skills for Graduate Students Database
General Information for Cluster Users
Internal Documentation for SysAdmin
Other Departmental Wikis
Note - Each wiki is a different instance of DokuWiki. As such, if you are a registered user on the astro-wiki you will not automatically have an account for tmo-wiki, ssoc-wiki, etc.
Additionally - although Zach does have access to each wiki for the purpose of system administration, they don't necessarily manage each wiki. See below for each wiki and the point of contact.
tmo-wiki - Managed by Jon and Zach
ssoc-wiki - Managed by Colin / SSOC group
song-wiki - Managed by Jason
seismo-wiki - Managed by Jason
apo-wiki - Managed by Jon
lab-wiki - Managed by Zach and Head TA