
The Solar Physics Division (SPD) of the American Astronomical Society has available awards to fund students to attend national and international conferences in the field of solar physics. Conference organizers are also welcome to seek support for students (see below). The awards will be made by the SPD Studentship Committee, and will be distributed by the Astronomy Department at New Mexico State University. The funds are courtesy of support from the National Science Foundation.

There are several options for you:

(1) Students interested in applying for conference support

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student and would like to submit an application for an award, see the main SPD webpage for studentships, and follow carefully the submission instructions there. The deadline for your application for a particular conference is 1 month prior to the abstract submission deadline. Please see the eligibility page for guidelines. Also, make sure to check out our meetings page for upcoming possibilities.

(2) Students who have been notified of an award

If you have already been notified by the SPD Studentship Committee or conference organizers of your award, congratulations!! You must now complete some paperwork for your funding. To set up your award, go to the download forms page and complete and submit the two documents.

(3) Conference organizers

If you are involved in organizing a conference and wish to make funding available to students, you are eligible to apply for "block" grants that can be used to support students at your discretion. The deadline for application is 2 months prior to the yearly quarter in which your abstract submission deadline falls. For complete instructions and to apply, please see the conference organizers page.