Conference organizers

As a conference organizer, you are eligible to apply for "block grants" to help support student attendance at your solar physics or related meeting. If you receive an award, you may then use the monies at your discretion. The checks will come directly from NMSU and go to students and in amounts you choose.

We intend to distribute these awards on a quarterly basis. Typical awards will be around $3000. Notification will come about 1 month before your abstract submission deadline so that there is ample time to notify prospective attendees of the outcome. The SPD Studentship Committee will make the final decision on applications.

Below please find the grant application deadline for your meeting, which depend on your expected meeting registration deadline.

Abstract Submission Deadline
Jan. 1 - Mar. 31 Apr. 1 - Jun. 30 Jul. 1 - Sep. 30 Oct. 1 - Dec. 31
Grant Application
Nov. 1 Feb. 1 May 1 Aug. 1

To apply for a block grant, please submit a brief document before the appropriate deadline containing:

  1. Your name and affiliation (you are required to be one of the main organizers)
  2. The overall purpose of the meeting and its name, dates, and location
  3. The benefits of enhanced student participation you are seeking
  4. A rough idea of how funds will be allocated to students
Please send or email this documet to the chair of the SPD Studentship Committee:

Dr. Gordon Emslie
Provost/VP Academic Affairs
Wetherby Administration Bldg 239
Bowling Green, KY 42101
gordon.emslie "at"

Upon notification of your successful application, please select the students and the amounts you will support (please follow the eligibility guidelines). Then direct them to this site and have them follow the instructions for case (2) on the main page so that they may fill out the appropriate paperwork. In the meantime, please notify us of the names of the students and the amounts you intend to distribute to each so that we can prepare for their requests.