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Las Cruces Clear Sky Chart

Las Cruces forecast

Las Cruces hourly charts

Regional satellite loop - visible

Regional satellite loop - IR (useful after dark)

National Center for Atmospheric Research forecast models (Try the RAP model with 18-hr loop for Clouds: all levels)

Resources Zach Likes to Use


Please note that the weather experienced at the Astronomy Building on Campus does not necessarily indicate the weather up at TMO! Make sure to monitor ClarityII which is located physically at TMO.


35 mph winds is the 'hard limit' in ACP that will trigger the “unsafe weather” script. When this happens the “WEA” (weather) indicator on ACP will be red. After the conditions go under the limit, this “WEA” indicator will turn yellow.

While the “WEA” indicator is Red or Yellow, ACP will not allow the Dome to be opened. The “WEA” indicator has to be yellow for 10 consecutive minutes before it will turn back to green (which is safe). Only when this “WEA” indicator is green will ACP allow the dome to be opened.

Note that while the 'hard limit' is programmed to be 35 mph, the dome really should not be opened if there are sustained winds above 25 mph for an extended period of time.

weather_links.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 02:53 by astroadmin

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