Internet Issues
We (Jon and Zach) noticed bad connection to TMO (as indicated by slow connections and 'greyed' / blurred out images on remotely connected laptops).
Jon contacted Anrafael Gonzalez Lopez - there were issues. The antenna should be pointed towards the big tower, but was not (got knocked due to the wind).
Speed Tracking
'Sept 22nd, 2021
Ping from dept: 1.35 ms.
Speed Test via Download: 228.94 Mbps Upload: 283.54 Mbps Ping: 15 ms
'Sept 24nd, 2021
Ping from dept: 1.3 ms.
Speed Test via Download: 247.23 Mbps Upload: 270.21 Mbps Ping: 3 ms
internet.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/09 22:04 by holtz