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Optical Lines

Figure 3.2: DST optical bench set-up

The observations were taken on 1998 September 22 as part of an eleven day long joint campaign with TRACE. The aim of the campaign was to examine the relationship between quiet-Sun events in the photosphere, chromosphere, and transition region. The set-up for the observing run is displayed in Figure 3.2 and the data is described in Table 3.1. The Universal Birefringent Filter (UBF; Bonnacini et al. 1989) was tuned successively through eight wavelengths, with a cycle time of 45 s. At each UBF image acquisition step, images through the Halle filter (Ca II K3) and Thompson filter (G-band) were also acquired onto separate CCDs. Each cycle was saved in FITS format, such that each UBF file contained one image at each wavelength, and each Halle (and Thompson) file contained 8 images. Flatfields were acquired by rapidly slewing the telescope. Darks were acquired by blocking all light to the CCD. Co-alignment of the field-of-view (FOV) with TRACE data led to a calculated spatial pixel size of 0.33  per pixel for the Ca II K3 images and 0.18  per pixel for the UBF images.

Table 3.1: Summary of DST data
Line Wavelength (Å) Instrument CCD size
Ca II K3 3933.7 Halle 512 X 512
G-band 4305.0 Thompson 1024 X 1024
6562.8 UBF 934 X 968
Hα+0.7Å 6563.5 UBF 934 X 968
Hα+1.0Å 6563.8 UBF 934 X 968
Mg I b2 5172.7 UBF 934 X 968
Mg I b1-0.4Å 5183.2 UBF 934 X 968
FeI 6302.5 UBF 934 X 968
FeI 6032.5 UBF 934 X 968
continuum 5256.4 UBF 934 X 968

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James McAteer 2004-01-14