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The Training and Education Working Group was established in March 2018 with the goal of examining the use of the 3.5m telescope at APO for student training and education The TEWG was chaired by Erica Ellingson of the University of Colorado and had the following charge:

  • provide an overview of institutional goals and practices
  • identify best practices and recommendations for student training that support different institutional goals
  • provide APO policy recommendations (if needed) to optimize student use
  • produce a white paper by late 2018 that summarizes the above and provides recommendations for any needed improvements or changes to APO policies and/or institutions' approaches to student training

The TEWG consisted of 15 members who conducted their work over approximately 6 months. The culmination of their efforts is the attached white paper, entitled Recommendations for Hosting Trainees and Student Groups at Apache Point Observatory.

tewg.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/10 22:53 by holtz