Listed here are the papers published since our group got established at NMSU in the fall of 2019. Student papers are highlighted.
Articles currently in review
- Linking atmospheric chemistry of the hot Jupiter HD 209458b to its formation location through
infrared transmission and emission spectra
Dash, S., Majumdar, L., Willacy, K., Tsai, S.-M., Turner, N., Rimmer, P. B., Gudipati, M. S., Lyra, W., and Bhardwaj, A., 2022, ApJ, submitted. - A. Hyder, W. Lyra, N. Chanover, J. Jackiweski, R. Juberas
2022, Planetary Science Journal, submitted.
Articles in press
- Currie, T., ..., W. Lyra, et al., Nature Astronomy, accepted, under embargo.
Published refereed articles
- Vortex solution in elliptic coordinates.
Lyra, W. 2021, RNAAS, 5, 180. (Research note; moderated, not refereed)
[pdf] [RNAAS] - Pebble trapping in vortices: three-dimensional simulations.
Raettig, N., Lyra, W., and Klahr, H. 2021, ApJ, 913, 92.
[arXiv] [ADS] - On the Origin and Thermal Stability of Arrokoths and Plutos Ices
Lisse, C.M., Young, L.A., Cruikshank, D.P., Sandford, S.A., Schmitt, B., Stern, S.A., Weaver, H.A.,
Umurhan, O., Pendleton, Y.J., Keane, J.T., Gladstone, G.R., Parker, J.M., Binzel, R.P.,
Earle, A.M., Horanyi, M., El-Maarry, M., Cheng, A.F., Moore, J.M., McKinnon, W.B.,
Grundy, W.M., Kavelaars, J.J., Linscott, I.R., Lyra, W., Lewis, B.L.,
Britt, D.T., Spencer, J.R., Olkin, C.B., McNutt, R.L., Elliott, H.A., Dello-Russo, N.,
Steckloff, J.K., Neveu, M., & Mousis, O.
2021, Icarus, 356, 114072.
[arxiv] [ADS] [Icarus proof] - The Sublimative Evolution of (486958) Arrokoth
Steckloff, J., Lisse, C., Safrit, T., Bosh, A., & Lyra, W. 2021, Icarus, 356, 113998.
[arxiv] [ADS] - Evolution of MU69 from a binary planetesimal into contact by Kozai-Lidov oscillations and nebular drag
Lyra, W., Youdin, A.N., & Johansen, A. 2021, Icarus, 356, 113831.
[arxiv] [ADS] [Icarus] - The Pencil Code, a modular MPI code for partial differential equations and particles: multipurpose and multiuser-maintained.
The Pencil Code Collaboration, Axel Brandenburg, Anders Johansen, Philippe A. Bourdin, Wolfgang Dobler, Wladimir Lyra, Matthias Rheinhardt, Sven Bingert, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Antony Mee, Frederick Gent, Natalia Babkovskaia, Chao-Chin Yang, Tobias Heinemann, Boris Dintrans, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Simon Candelaresi, Jorn Wernecke, Petri Kapyla, Andreas Schreiber, Piyali Chaterjee, Maarit Kapyla, Xiang-Yu Li, Jonas Kruger, Jorgen Aarnes, Graeme Sarson, Jeffrey Oishi, Jennifer Schober, Raphael Plasson, Christen Sandin, Ewa Karchniwy, Luiz Felippe S. Rodrigues, Alexander Hubbard, Gustavo Guerrero, Andrew Snodin, Illa R. Losada, Johannes Pekkila, and Chengeng Qian 2021, Journal of Open Source Software, 6, 58.
[arXiv] [ADS] - Orbital Migration of Interacting Stellar Mass Black Holes in Disks around Supermassive Black Holes II.
Spins and Incoming Objects
Secunda, A., Bellovary, J., Mac Low, M.-M. Mac Low, Ford, S., McKernan, B., Leigh, N.W.C., Lyra, W., Sandor, Zs., & Adorno, J. 2020, ApJ, 903, 133.
[arXiv] [ADS] - Gas and dust dynamics in starlight-heated protoplanetary disks
Flock, M., Turner, N., Nelson, R., Lyra, W., Manger, M., & Klahr, H. 2020, AJ, accepted.
[arxiv] [ADS]
Other refereed publications
- A Historical Method Approach to Teaching Kepler's 2nd law
Lyra, W. 2020, Astronomy Education Journal,
[EdArXiv] - COVID-19 pandemics modeling with SEIR(+CAQH), social distancing, and age stratification. The effect of vertical confinement and release in Brazil.
Lyra, W., do Nascimento, J.-D., Belkhiria, J., de Almeida, L., Chrispim, P.-P. & de Andrade, I. 2020, PLOS One,
[medRxiv] [PubMed] [PLoS One] - Ad Astra Academy: Using Space Exploration to Promote Student Learning and Motivation in the City of God, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lyra, W., Rice, Melissa, Adler-Belendez, D., Jacobson, N., Pantelic, A., Garcia, K., Cassara, L., Crow, C., Hayne, P., Marlow, J. 2020, CAP (Communicating Astronomy with the Public),
[SOC-arxiv] [CAP]