ACP console log opened 26-Jan-2015 05:21:50 UTC This is ACP version 6.0 (build 14, Special for Wodaski Alt/Az Scope) Licensed to Arne Henden 05:21:52 Initializing AcquireSupport V6.0.7 05:21:52 Weather safe, server is Boltwood Cloud Sensor II 05:21:52 Telescope is ACP->TMO, driver V3 05:21:52 Dome is MaxDome 05:21:52 MaxIm DL/CCD is version 5.18 05:21:52 Imager is QSI Universal 05:21:52 Imager readout modes: 05:21:52 0 is Use Adv Dialog 05:21:52 1 is Image Quality 05:21:52 2 is Fast Readout 05:21:52 Guider is SX Universal(internal/off-axis) 05:21:52 Calculated unbinned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 0.33 V = 0.33 05:21:52 Calculated field of view (arcmin): H = 18.4 V = 13.8 05:21:52 Using focus offsets from FilterInfo.txt 05:21:52 ReadLine: Number of points (> 1, empty to stop)? 05:22:11 -> 12 "5" 05:22:11 Beginning pointing check run at 05:21:50 UTC 05:22:11 Doing point 1 - slew to point. 05:22:11 Start slew to Map-1... 05:22:11 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** 05:22:11 Source: ASCOM.SiTechDll.Telescope 05:22:11 Message: sttgaUnable to find assembly 'SiTechExe, Version=1.0.4225.25726, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. at line 81 column 5. 05:22:11 Script Context: 05:22:11 78: CheckPoint = 0.0 ' Impossibly good value, error 05:22:11 79: Exit Function 05:22:11 80: End If 05:22:11 => 81: SUP.StartSlewJ2000 TgtName, RightAscension, Declination 05:22:11 ^ 05:22:11 82: If SUP.HaveRotator Then SUP.StartRotateToPA 0.0, RightAscension 05:22:11 83: SUP.WaitForSlew 05:22:11 84: If SUP.HaveRotator Then SUP.WaitForRotator 05:22:11 -- end -- ACP console log closed 26-Jan-2015 05:22:12 UTC