ACP console log opened 19-Jan-2014 05:35:40 UTC This is ACP version 6.0 (build 14, Special for Wodaski Alt/Az Scope) Licensed to Arne Henden 05:35:40 Start slew to FocusArea... 05:35:44 (wait for slew to complete) 05:35:52 (slew complete) 05:35:59 Search 5 deg-square area for suitable target stars 05:36:00 163 mag 6-9 catalog stars found. 05:36:00 (skipped 0 stars that would have flipped mount) 05:36:00 Found mag 6.0 star, GSC 2404-1349; nothing within 755 arcsec. 05:36:00 Star J2000 coordinates RA=05:40:36 Dec=31° 21' 29" 05:36:00 Using star at mag 6.0, exposure 0.3 sec. Slew to star. 05:36:00 Start slew to AutoFocus... 05:36:03 (wait for slew to complete) 05:36:19 (slew complete) 05:36:19 Updating pointing... 05:36:19 Switching from I to V filter for pointing exposure 05:36:19 No focus change required 05:36:21 (taking 5 sec. exposure, V filter, binning = 6) 05:36:21 (starting exposure) 05:36:35 (exposure complete and image downloaded) 05:36:35 Calibrating image... 05:36:35 **Calibration failed. Original image saved. 05:36:35 **MaxIm reports No suitable calibration groups were found. 05:36:35 Image finished 05:36:35 Plate-solve pointing image. 05:36:35 50 image stars found 05:36:38 58 catalog stars found 05:36:38 ** No matching stars found. Check your estimated center-point RA/Dec, and your image scaling and quality. 05:36:38 Start slew to offset... 05:36:39 (wait for slew to complete) 05:36:46 (slew complete) 05:36:46 (taking 5 sec. exposure, V filter, binning = 6) 05:36:46 (starting exposure) 05:36:59 (exposure complete and image downloaded) 05:36:59 Calibrating image... 05:36:59 **Calibration failed. Original image saved. 05:36:59 **MaxIm reports No suitable calibration groups were found. 05:36:59 Image finished 05:36:59 Plate-solve pointing image. 05:36:59 83 image stars found 05:37:00 71 catalog stars found 05:37:00 ** No matching stars found. Check your estimated center-point RA/Dec, and your image scaling and quality. 05:37:00 Start slew to AutoFocus... 05:37:01 (wait for slew to complete) 05:37:08 (slew complete) 05:37:08 Starting Autofocus... 05:37:09 05:37:10 System: MySystem 05:37:10 ** Beginning Focus run ** 05:37:11 LS: -0.198946 RS: 0.200059 PID: 10.66 NFHFD: 10 05:37:12 Move direction: Out 05:37:12 Filter = V (slot 1) 05:37:12 Current position = 1314 05:37:12 Focus Start HFD: 20 05:37:12 Min/Max flux setting = 100/500K 05:37:12 Find star binning = 2x2 05:37:12 Inital exposure = 0.3 05:37:24 Focus binning = 1x1 05:37:32 Decreasing exposure Time 05:37:32 Targeting high flux setting 05:37:32 Total Flux = 1012513, next exposure = 0.15 sec 05:37:39 Target star found at X = 1686, Y = 1330 Flux = 461751 05:37:40 Focus exposure will be 0.15 sec 05:37:40 Position , HFD , Mean Best Focus , X , Y , Flux 05:37:40 1314 , 234.24 , 0 , 1686 , 1330 , 461751 05:37:52 1852 , 123.90 , 0 , 1685 , 1328 , 517571 05:37:52 On correct side 05:37:52 Moving to start HFD 05:37:53 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:37:58 1852 , 122.35 , 0 , 1687 , 1331 , 531509 05:37:58 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:04 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak 05:38:05 Increasing frame width 05:38:12 1852 , 123.90 , 0 , 1689 , 1329 , 505996 05:38:13 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:18 1852 , 125.52 , 0 , 1689 , 1331 , 711859 05:38:19 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:25 1852 , 125.09 , 0 , 1692 , 1331 , 689876 05:38:25 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:31 1852 , 123.51 , 0 , 1693 , 1331 , 468989 05:38:31 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:36 1852 , 124.29 , 0 , 1694 , 1327 , 716839 05:38:36 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:42 1852 , 125.30 , 0 , 1693 , 1330 , 502756 05:38:43 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:48 1852 , 125.22 , 0 , 1687 , 1331 , 498174 05:38:49 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:38:55 1852 , 123.56 , 0 , 1691 , 1333 , 456781 05:38:55 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:01 1852 , 124.44 , 0 , 1691 , 1331 , 465020 05:39:01 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:07 1852 , 124.09 , 0 , 1693 , 1331 , 415666 05:39:08 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:13 1852 , 122.29 , 0 , 1691 , 1333 , 491491 05:39:13 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:19 1852 , 123.28 , 0 , 1692 , 1329 , 479870 05:39:19 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:24 1852 , 125.19 , 0 , 1693 , 1331 , 780092 05:39:25 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:31 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak; increasing frame size 05:39:31 Increasing frame width 05:39:38 1852 , 123.29 , 0 , 1693 , 1335 , 465724 05:39:39 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:45 1852 , 123.30 , 0 , 1699 , 1332 , 467756 05:39:45 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:51 1852 , 125.33 , 0 , 1701 , 1334 , 534651 05:39:52 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:39:57 1852 , 125.31 , 0 , 1702 , 1337 , 468629 05:39:57 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:03 1852 , 123.94 , 0 , 1705 , 1337 , 507034 05:40:03 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:08 1852 , 123.63 , 0 , 1706 , 1336 , 511826 05:40:09 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:15 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak 05:40:15 Increasing frame width 05:40:22 1852 , 119.69 , 0 , 1704 , 1347 , 431940 05:40:23 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:29 1852 , 123.99 , 0 , 1702 , 1333 , 609013 05:40:29 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:35 1852 , 123.57 , 0 , 1700 , 1334 , 483853 05:40:36 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:42 1852 , 124.99 , 0 , 1698 , 1335 , 505753 05:40:42 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:48 1852 , 125.00 , 0 , 1695 , 1334 , 519300 05:40:49 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:40:54 1852 , 123.77 , 0 , 1695 , 1334 , 439102 05:40:55 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:00 1852 , 125.53 , 0 , 1695 , 1332 , 546601 05:41:01 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:06 1852 , 126.72 , 0 , 1693 , 1331 , 506294 05:41:06 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:12 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak; increasing frame size 05:41:12 Increasing frame width 05:41:18 1852 , 126.27 , 0 , 1694 , 1332 , 544272 05:41:18 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:24 1852 , 129.42 , 0 , 1698 , 1337 , 1164114 05:41:25 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:31 1852 , 121.26 , 0 , 1692 , 1331 , 504132 05:41:31 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:37 1852 , 122.89 , 0 , 1696 , 1331 , 463125 05:41:38 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:44 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak 05:41:45 Increasing frame width 05:41:52 1852 , 126.04 , 0 , 1695 , 1335 , 493276 05:41:53 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:41:58 1852 , 125.45 , 0 , 1697 , 1333 , 726649 05:41:59 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:04 1852 , 125.51 , 0 , 1700 , 1336 , 685888 05:42:05 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:11 1852 , 126.14 , 0 , 1701 , 1332 , 656660 05:42:11 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:17 1852 , 124.23 , 0 , 1702 , 1335 , 544343 05:42:17 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:22 1852 , 125.52 , 0 , 1703 , 1329 , 648138 05:42:22 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:28 1852 , 126.14 , 0 , 1699 , 1334 , 663723 05:42:29 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:35 1852 , 122.95 , 0 , 1701 , 1331 , 554529 05:42:35 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:41 1852 , 127.00 , 0 , 1699 , 1331 , 488011 05:42:42 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:48 1852 , 122.02 , 0 , 1700 , 1334 , 491468 05:42:49 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:42:55 1852 , 123.44 , 0 , 1702 , 1335 , 503724 05:42:55 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:01 1852 , 122.31 , 0 , 1700 , 1335 , 474651 05:43:02 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:07 1852 , 125.34 , 0 , 1702 , 1333 , 558760 05:43:08 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:13 1852 , 121.18 , 0 , 1699 , 1330 , 490142 05:43:13 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:19 1852 , 117.98 , 0 , 1708 , 1337 , 344123 05:43:19 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:24 1852 , 125.72 , 0 , 1702 , 1333 , 528373 05:43:25 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:31 1852 , 124.49 , 0 , 1702 , 1336 , 505665 05:43:32 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:38 1852 , 124.02 , 0 , 1703 , 1335 , 472528 05:43:38 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:44 1852 , 121.50 , 0 , 1709 , 1336 , 513458 05:43:44 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:50 1852 , 124.77 , 0 , 1711 , 1337 , 502004 05:43:50 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:43:56 1852 , 122.20 , 0 , 1714 , 1338 , 485759 05:43:56 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:02 1852 , 123.42 , 0 , 1715 , 1338 , 541742 05:44:02 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:08 1852 , 124.59 , 0 , 1716 , 1338 , 539538 05:44:08 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:14 1852 , 125.57 , 0 , 1717 , 1338 , 470157 05:44:15 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:21 1852 , 123.91 , 0 , 1719 , 1340 , 471650 05:44:21 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:27 1852 , 124.55 , 0 , 1718 , 1338 , 482116 05:44:28 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:33 1852 , 121.30 , 0 , 1711 , 1335 , 449180 05:44:34 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:39 1852 , 124.68 , 0 , 1708 , 1335 , 496438 05:44:39 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:44 1852 , 126.88 , 0 , 1708 , 1336 , 474671 05:44:44 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:50 1852 , 123.06 , 0 , 1707 , 1336 , 626214 05:44:50 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:44:56 1852 , 122.84 , 0 , 1709 , 1336 , 461411 05:44:56 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:02 1852 , 125.77 , 0 , 1706 , 1335 , 476562 05:45:03 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:09 1852 , 123.46 , 0 , 1703 , 1334 , 492154 05:45:10 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:15 1852 , 124.85 , 0 , 1702 , 1334 , 618932 05:45:16 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:22 1852 , 122.47 , 0 , 1704 , 1334 , 470325 05:45:22 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:28 1852 , 124.08 , 0 , 1704 , 1333 , 481938 05:45:29 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:34 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak; increasing frame size 05:45:34 Increasing frame width 05:45:41 1852 , 122.78 , 0 , 1705 , 1333 , 447666 05:45:41 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:47 1852 , 125.79 , 0 , 1706 , 1336 , 724919 05:45:50 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:45:55 1852 , 125.37 , 0 , 1710 , 1333 , 748039 05:45:55 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:01 1852 , 126.38 , 0 , 1712 , 1339 , 682390 05:46:02 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:07 1852 , 123.45 , 0 , 1711 , 1337 , 515884 05:46:07 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:13 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak 05:46:14 Increasing frame width 05:46:21 1852 , 124.09 , 0 , 1708 , 1337 , 477761 05:46:21 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:27 1852 , 125.84 , 0 , 1713 , 1336 , 504378 05:46:28 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:34 1852 , 124.01 , 0 , 1710 , 1335 , 454923 05:46:34 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:40 1852 , 126.52 , 0 , 1712 , 1335 , 739508 05:46:40 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:45 1852 , 124.55 , 0 , 1712 , 1336 , 517881 05:46:45 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:51 1852 , 125.65 , 0 , 1711 , 1339 , 475796 05:46:51 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:46:57 1852 , 126.41 , 0 , 1713 , 1338 , 701683 05:46:58 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:04 1852 , 122.03 , 0 , 1712 , 1336 , 471063 05:47:05 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:11 1852 , 124.78 , 0 , 1710 , 1337 , 500056 05:47:11 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:16 1852 , 122.63 , 0 , 1712 , 1336 , 489506 05:47:16 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:22 1852 , 124.38 , 0 , 1713 , 1338 , 561210 05:47:22 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:28 1852 , 123.07 , 0 , 1714 , 1337 , 497890 05:47:28 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:34 1852 , 124.53 , 0 , 1714 , 1336 , 508945 05:47:35 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:41 1852 , 123.13 , 0 , 1715 , 1337 , 545803 05:47:42 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:48 1852 , 125.61 , 0 , 1722 , 1339 , 514490 05:47:48 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:53 1852 , 124.85 , 0 , 1724 , 1340 , 525743 05:47:53 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:47:59 1852 , 126.19 , 0 , 1728 , 1341 , 541833 05:47:59 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:05 1852 , 125.15 , 0 , 1727 , 1342 , 512731 05:48:05 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:10 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak; increasing frame size 05:48:11 Increasing frame width 05:48:18 1852 , 127.57 , 0 , 1725 , 1340 , 515880 05:48:19 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:25 1852 , 123.45 , 0 , 1723 , 1340 , 516915 05:48:25 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:31 1852 , 124.10 , 0 , 1721 , 1339 , 473355 05:48:32 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:38 1852 , 123.55 , 0 , 1722 , 1338 , 534751 05:48:38 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:44 1852 , 121.45 , 0 , 1716 , 1337 , 505938 05:48:45 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:50 1852 , 125.05 , 0 , 1713 , 1337 , 493216 05:48:51 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:48:57 1852 , 124.88 , 0 , 1714 , 1338 , 491268 05:48:58 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:03 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak 05:49:03 Increasing frame width 05:49:10 1852 , 124.26 , 0 , 1710 , 1338 , 497564 05:49:10 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:16 1852 , 125.05 , 0 , 1712 , 1338 , 456067 05:49:17 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:22 1852 , 122.75 , 0 , 1714 , 1336 , 497244 05:49:23 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:28 1852 , 125.06 , 0 , 1716 , 1336 , 497317 05:49:28 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:34 1852 , 122.75 , 0 , 1715 , 1338 , 522674 05:49:34 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:40 1852 , 124.18 , 0 , 1719 , 1338 , 628238 05:49:41 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:46 1852 , 122.83 , 0 , 1718 , 1338 , 477847 05:49:47 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:52 1852 , 126.19 , 0 , 1714 , 1338 , 555778 05:49:53 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:49:59 1852 , 123.61 , 0 , 1721 , 1339 , 439521 05:50:00 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:05 1852 , 122.83 , 0 , 1719 , 1339 , 565791 05:50:06 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:11 1852 , 124.88 , 0 , 1722 , 1338 , 539824 05:50:12 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:17 1852 , 125.16 , 0 , 1717 , 1338 , 672290 05:50:17 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:23 1852 , 124.84 , 0 , 1720 , 1339 , 569458 05:50:23 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:28 1852 , 125.88 , 0 , 1722 , 1334 , 901624 05:50:29 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:35 1852 , 126.43 , 0 , 1721 , 1339 , 683196 05:50:36 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:42 1852 , 122.59 , 0 , 1719 , 1340 , 484770 05:50:43 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:49 1852 , 124.55 , 0 , 1719 , 1339 , 547215 05:50:49 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:50:55 1852 , 123.38 , 0 , 1720 , 1340 , 466784 05:50:56 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:51:01 1852 , 125.32 , 0 , 1721 , 1338 , 468685 05:51:02 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:51:08 1852 , 123.45 , 0 , 1718 , 1339 , 497034 05:51:08 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:51:14 1852 , 125.62 , 0 , 1721 , 1339 , 553952 05:51:14 Aborting - move will exceed focuser limits 05:51:20 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak 05:51:20 Increasing frame width 05:51:25 **Autofocus took too long. Check FocusMax log for details. 05:51:25 Operation stopped by operator 05:51:26 Slewing back to original position... 05:51:26 Start slew to AF return... 05:51:27 Can not measure HFD for this image 05:51:27 Moving to previous focus position of 1315 05:51:30 (wait for slew to complete) 05:51:32 (slew complete) 05:51:32 Autofocus finished. 05:51:37 ***AutoFocus failed. ACP console log closed 19-Jan-2014 05:51:37 UTC