ACP console log opened 16-Dec-2016 13:01:37 UTC This is ACP version 6.0 (build 14, Special for Wodaski Alt/Az Scope) Licensed to Arne Henden 13:01:37 Start slew to FocusArea... 13:01:39 (wait for slew to complete) 13:02:44 (slew complete) 13:02:51 Search 5 deg-square area for suitable target stars 13:02:51 39 mag 6-9 catalog stars found. 13:02:51 (skipped 0 stars that would have flipped mount) 13:02:51 Found mag 6.0 star, GSC 2512-1145; nothing within 3021 arcsec. 13:02:51 Star J2000 coordinates RA=10:42:11 Dec=31° 41' 49" 13:02:51 Using star at mag 6.0, exposure 0.3 sec. Slew to star. 13:02:51 Start slew to AutoFocus... 13:02:53 (wait for slew to complete) 13:03:07 (slew complete) 13:03:07 Updating pointing... 13:03:07 (taking 5 sec. exposure, V filter, binning = 4) 13:03:07 (using Image Quality readout mode) 13:03:07 (starting exposure) 13:03:19 (exposure complete and image downloaded) 13:03:19 Calibrating image... 13:03:19 **Calibration failed. Original image saved. 13:03:19 **MaxIm reports No suitable calibration groups were found. 13:03:19 Image finished 13:03:19 Plate-solve pointing image. 13:03:19 23 image stars found 13:03:20 30 catalog stars found 13:03:20 Solved! 9 stars matched. 13:03:20 Average residual is 0.42 arcsec. 13:03:20 Pointing error is 0.976 arcmin @ angle 299.35 13:03:20 True focal length is 346.0 cm. 13:03:20 True binned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 1.29 V = 1.29 13:03:20 True image center (J2000): 10h 42m 07.2s 31° 42' 17.78" 13:03:20 Imager sky position angle is 357.8 deg. 13:03:20 Image FWHM is 2.4 arcsec (1.86 pixels) 13:03:20 (avg FWHM = 1.77 arcsec) 13:03:20 [sync] pointing model updated 13:03:20 Internal guider, always re-slew 13:03:20 Re-slew to target. 13:03:20 Start slew to AutoFocus... 13:03:22 (wait for slew to complete) 13:03:23 (slew complete) 13:03:23 Target is now centered. 13:03:23 (AF will use Image Quality readout mode) 13:03:23 Starting Autofocus... 13:03:24 13:03:24 System: Optec 13:03:25 ** Beginning Focus run ** 13:03:26 LS: -0.063042 RS: 0.062950 PID: 13.25 NFHFD: 15 13:03:26 Move direction: Out 13:03:27 Filter = V (slot 1) 13:03:27 Current position = 3068 13:03:27 Focus Start HFD: 20 13:03:27 Min/Max flux setting = 10/500K 13:03:27 Find star binning = 2x2 13:03:27 Inital exposure = 0.3 13:03:39 Focus binning = 1x1 13:03:44 Decreasing exposure Time 13:03:45 Total Flux = 803185, next exposure = 0.1 sec 13:03:49 Target star found at X = 1662, Y = 1252 Flux = 280327 13:03:49 Focus exposure will be 0.10 sec 13:03:50 Position , HFD , Mean Best Focus , X , Y , Flux 13:03:50 3068 , 07.02 , 0 , 1662 , 1252 , 280327 13:03:56 2862 , 17.13 , 0 , 1661 , 1253 , 288786 13:03:57 On correct side of focus 13:03:57 Moving to start HFD 13:04:01 2816 , 19.90 , 0 , 1660 , 1252 , 294608 13:04:01 Move to Near Focus HFD 13:04:07 2894 , 15.32 , 0 , 1658 , 1252 , 292770 13:04:08 ** Starting Near Focus ** 13:04:08 Position , HFD , Mean Best Focus , X , Y , Flux 13:04:08 2894 , 15.32 , 3130 , 1658 , 1252 , 292770 13:04:13 2894 , 16.09 , 3136 , 1658 , 1253 , 276694 13:04:17 2894 , 16.53 , 3141 , 1657 , 1254 , 274574 13:04:21 2894 , 16.82 , 3144 , 1659 , 1253 , 283199 13:04:25 2894 , 16.33 , 3145 , 1659 , 1253 , 282504 13:04:25 Best Focus is: 3145 13:04:32 3145 , 04.44 , 3145 , 1659 , 1253 , 274033 13:04:37 3145 , 04.82 , 3145 , 1662 , 1253 , 273983 13:04:41 3145 , 04.49 , 3145 , 1660 , 1253 , 268340 13:04:42 Position = 3145 Avg HFD = 4.58 13:04:43 Focusing Completed 13:04:43 Focus time = 80 sec 13:04:43 FocusMax auto-focus successful! 13:04:43 HFD = 4.49 13:04:43 Focus position = 3145 13:04:43 Slewing back to original position... 13:04:44 Start slew to AF return... 13:04:45 (wait for slew to complete) 13:04:51 (slew complete) 13:04:51 Autofocus finished. ACP console log closed 16-Dec-2016 13:04:56 UTC