ACP console log opened 10-May-2015 07:38:34 UTC This is ACP version 6.0 (build 14, Special for Wodaski Alt/Az Scope) Licensed to Arne Henden 07:38:34 Start slew to FocusArea... 07:38:36 (wait for slew to complete) 07:39:39 (slew complete) 07:39:47 Search 5 deg-square area for suitable target stars 07:39:47 45 mag 6-9 catalog stars found. 07:39:47 (skipped 0 stars that would have flipped mount) 07:39:47 Found mag 6.1 star, GSC 2555-1297; nothing within 1631 arcsec. 07:39:47 Star J2000 coordinates RA=14:55:58 Dec=32° 17' 59" 07:39:47 Using star at mag 6.1, exposure 0.3 sec. Slew to star. 07:39:47 Start slew to AutoFocus... 07:39:50 (wait for slew to complete) 07:39:55 (slew complete) 07:39:55 Updating pointing... 07:39:55 Switching from B to V filter for pointing exposure 07:39:55 Focus change of -9 steps required 07:40:04 (taking 5 sec. exposure, V filter, binning = 1) 07:40:04 (using Fast Readout readout mode) 07:40:20 (starting exposure) 07:40:25 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** 07:40:25 Source: MaxIm.CCDCamera 07:40:25 Message: **Failed to start the exposure at line 72 column 2. 07:40:26 Script Context: 07:40:26 69: Call SUP.WaitForSlew() 07:40:26 70: End If 07:40:26 71: 07:40:26 => 72: If Not SUP.AutoFocus(CT.RightAscension, CT.Declination) Then 07:40:26 ^ 07:40:26 73: Console.PrintLine "***AutoFocus failed." 07:40:26 74: End If 07:40:26 75: 07:40:26 -- end -- ACP console log closed 10-May-2015 07:40:26 UTC