Log opened at Thu, Oct 10 2019 02:45:27 UTC (actual time) Current log level is Debug ACP Expert Scheduler version 8.2.3 Full license: Arne Henden 2019-10-10 02:45:27.5: Internal clock initialized at 10-Oct-2019 02:45:27 UTC 2019-10-10 02:45:27.6: Dispatcher started at 10-Oct-2019 02:45:27 UTC 2019-10-10 02:45:27.6: Efficiency weights are set to: 2019-10-10 02:45:27.6: Priority: W[0]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.6: Transit Altitude: W[1]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.6: Highest Altitude: W[6]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.6: Lateness: W[5]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.6: Slew Distance: W[2]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.7: Retry Count: W[3]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.7: Meridian Crossing: W[4]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.7: Obs Conditions: W[7]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.7: Proj Completion: W[8]=0.00 2019-10-10 02:45:27.7: Rising Plan Delay: disabled 2019-10-10 02:45:28.6: Loaded Constraint plugin AirMass 2019-10-10 02:45:28.6: Loaded Constraint plugin AirmassRange 2019-10-10 02:45:28.7: Loaded Constraint plugin Horizon 2019-10-10 02:45:28.7: Loaded Constraint plugin HourAngle 2019-10-10 02:45:28.7: Loaded Constraint plugin MoonAvoid 2019-10-10 02:45:28.8: Loaded Constraint plugin MoonDown 2019-10-10 02:45:28.8: Loaded Constraint plugin SkyCondition 2019-10-10 02:45:28.9: Loaded Constraint plugin TimeRange 2019-10-10 02:45:29.8: 2 plans are now pending. 2019-10-10 02:45:29.9: Attach ACP sequencer 2019-10-10 02:45:36.4: There is no controllable dome or roof. 2019-10-10 02:45:36.8: Weather successfully connected. Wait for valid data... 2019-10-10 02:45:37.4: Sequencer does sky flats 2019-10-10 02:45:41.9: ++ Weather Safe ++ 2019-10-10 02:45:42.1: HTTP command listener failed to start: Access is denied 2019-10-10 02:45:42.1: If this is Windows 8-10, you will need to add permission (ACL) to listen on port 9123. 2019-10-10 02:45:42.1: See Scheduler Help > Configuring the Program > Noteworthy Configuration Options, at the bottom. 2019-10-10 02:46:04.7: Run statistics: 2019-10-10 02:46:04.7: Observations: 2 2019-10-10 02:46:04.7: Considered: 0 2019-10-10 02:46:04.7: Completed: 0 2019-10-10 02:46:04.7: Skipped: 0 2019-10-10 02:46:04.7: Never Eligible: 2 2019-10-10 02:46:04.7: Failed: 0 Log closed at Thu, Oct 10 2019 02:46:04 UTC (actual time)