Log opened at Mon, Apr 17 2017 03:08:46 UTC (actual time) Current log level is Debug Scheduler version 3.5.3 Multi-user license: Arne Henden 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Simulated clock initialized at 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46 UTC 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin AirMass 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin AirmassRange 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin Horizon 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin HourAngle 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin MoonAvoid 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin MoonDown 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin SkyCondition 17-Apr-2017 03:08:46.4: Loaded Constraint plugin TimeRange 17-Apr-2017 03:08:47.0: 54 plans are now pending. 17-Apr-2017 03:08:47.0: Attach ACP sequencer 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Dispatcher started at 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55 UTC 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Priority: W[0]=0.00 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Transit Altitude: W[1]=0.00 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Highest Altitude: W[6]=0.00 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Lateness: W[5]=0.70 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Slew Distance: W[2]=0.30 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Retry Count: W[3]=0.20 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Meridian Crossing: W[4]=0.30 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Obs Conditions: W[7]=0.40 17-Apr-2017 03:08:55.6: Rising Plan Delay: disabled 17-Apr-2017 03:09:08.2: Weather successfully connected. Wait for valid data... 17-Apr-2017 03:09:09.2: ++ Observatory Startup ++ 17-Apr-2017 03:09:09.2: Start ACP Sequencer's StartupObs script 17-Apr-2017 03:09:19.2: Sequencer is now active 17-Apr-2017 03:09:24.4: Sequencer is no longer active 17-Apr-2017 03:09:24.5: Open the observatory dome/roof 17-Apr-2017 03:10:15.2: ++ Auto Focus ++ 17-Apr-2017 03:10:15.3: Doing initial autofocus. 17-Apr-2017 03:10:15.3: Start special ACP AutoFocus script for scheduler 17-Apr-2017 03:10:25.3: Sequencer is now active 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: Sequencer is no longer active 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: ** Sequencer script "AutoFocusScheduler" failed: 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: **Script Error** Source: ACP Message: The telescope is not connected. at line 38 column 5. Script Context: 35: Dim Filt, dtStart, buf, CT 36: 37: Set SUP = CreateObject("ACP.AcquireSupport") => 38: SUP.Initialize ^ 39: 40: dtStart = Util.SysUTCDate 41: buf = "AutoFocus-" & Util.FormatVar(dtStart, "dd-mmm-yyyy@HhNnSs") & ".log" ' Typical Log Name -- end -- 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: ** Autofocus failed (n=1), will retry ASAP after 0 min. 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: **EXCEPTION IN SCHEDULER: 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: The telescope is not connected. 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: Traceback: at ACP.TelescopeClass.get_SlewSettleTime() at DC3.Scheduler.ACPSequencer.get_SlewSettleTime() at DC3.Scheduler.Engine.CalculateTimeSpans(Plan P, ArrayList OList) at DC3.Scheduler.Engine.DoSchedulePass() at DC3.Scheduler.Engine.Run() 17-Apr-2017 03:10:30.4: Release ACP sequencer Log closed at Mon, Apr 17 2017 03:10:32 UTC (actual time)