ACP console log opened 15-Dec-2019 10:18:14 UTC This is ACP version 8.2 (build 7, V8.2 Production Release) Licensed to Arne Henden 10:18:14 Start slew to FocusArea... 10:18:16 (wait for slew to complete) 10:18:25 (slew complete) 10:18:27 Search 15 deg-square area for possible stars 10:18:28 Looking for stars between mags 6 and 9 10:18:31 Found mag 6.0 star, GSC 2462-2104; nothing within 281 arcsec. 10:18:33 Star J2000 coordinates RA=07:42:44 Dec=34° 00' 01" 10:18:33 Using star at mag 6.0. Slew to star. 10:18:33 Start slew to AutoFocus... 10:18:35 (wait for slew to complete) 10:19:03 (slew complete) 10:19:03 Updating pointing... 10:19:03 (taking 10 sec. exposure, V filter, binning = 4) 10:19:03 (using Image Quality readout mode) 10:20:26 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** 10:20:28 Source: MaxIm.CCDCamera 10:20:28 Message: **Failed to start the exposure 10:20:28 Location: line 81 column 2. ACP console log closed 15-Dec-2019 10:20:29 UTC