ACP console log opened 13-Jun-2012 04:44:32 UTC This is ACP version 6.0 (build 14, Special for Wodaski Alt/Az Scope) Licensed to Arne Henden 04:44:32 Autofocus through R 04:44:39 Starting FocusMax AcquireStar autofocus... 04:44:49 **Script Error** 04:44:50 Source: ACP 04:44:50 Message: The script was aborted. at line 61 column 5. 04:44:50 Script Context: 04:44:50 58: Console.PrintLine "Autofocus through " & Filt 04:44:50 59: End If 04:44:50 60: 04:44:50 => 61: If Not SUP.AutoFocus(Telescope.RightAscension, Telescope.Declination) Then _ 04:44:50 ^ 04:44:50 62: Console.printLine "***AutoFocus failed." 04:44:50 63: 04:44:50 64: SUP.Terminate 04:44:50 -- end -- ACP console log closed 13-Jun-2012 04:44:50 UTC