ACP console log opened 12-Oct-2019 11:52:12 UTC This is ACP version 8.2 (build 7, V8.2 Production Release) Licensed to Arne Henden 11:52:12 Start slew to FocusArea... 11:52:14 (wait for slew to complete) 11:53:16 (slew complete) 11:53:18 Search 15 deg-square area for possible stars 11:53:20 Looking for stars between mags 6 and 9 11:53:21 Found mag 6.0 star, GSC 1830-2128; nothing within 314 arcsec. 11:53:21 Star J2000 coordinates RA=04:36:29 Dec=23° 20' 27" 11:53:21 Using star at mag 6.0. Slew to star. 11:53:21 Start slew to AutoFocus... 11:53:23 (wait for slew to complete) 11:53:38 (slew complete) 11:53:38 Updating pointing... 11:53:38 Switching from Ic to V filter for pointing exposure 11:53:38 Focus change of 74 steps required 11:53:44 (taking 10 sec. exposure, V filter, binning = 4) 11:53:44 (using Image Quality readout mode) 11:53:45 (starting exposure) 11:53:56 (exposure complete) 11:54:03 (exposure complete and image downloaded) 11:54:04 Image finished 11:54:04 Plate-solve pointing image. 11:54:04 26 image stars found 11:54:05 40 catalog stars found 11:54:06 Solved! 16 stars matched. 11:54:06 Average residual is 0.33 arcsec. 11:54:06 Pointing error is 1.144 arcmin @ angle 348.47 11:54:06 True focal length is 3459.1 mm. 11:54:06 True binned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 1.29 V = 1.29 11:54:06 True image center (J2000): 04h 36m 28.1s 23° 21' 34.18" 11:54:06 Imager sky position angle is 358.3 deg. 11:54:06 [sync] pointing model updated 11:54:06 Within max error tolerance, no re-slew needed. 11:54:06 Target is now centered. 11:54:06 (AF will use Image Quality readout mode) 11:54:06 Starting Autofocus... 11:56:11 FocusMax auto-focus successful! 11:56:11 HFD = 5.20 11:56:11 Focus position = 2949 11:56:11 Slewing back to original position... 11:56:11 Start slew to AF return... 11:56:13 (wait for slew to complete) 11:56:27 (slew complete) 11:56:27 Autofocus finished. ACP console log closed 12-Oct-2019 11:56:27 UTC