The 2nd midterm is on Chapters 5, through the first half of Chapter 11. Specifically, extra-solar planets, which is the 2nd half of Chapter 11 is NOT included. The section that is included of Chapter 10 and 11 includes the habitable zone and the properties of sun and stars, not the actual search techniques for exo-planets. Questions on Chapters 5 and 6 will be limited to a few main topics, as indicated below under each Chapter.

The test will be about 20 questions, with multiple choice and short written answers required. You do not need a scantron. Test answers are to be written on the exam sheets. Please contact me with any questions. (

To study, use lecture notes on web pages for the main points and follow up study from sections in the book. Depending on your background and familiarity with science in general and astronomy in particular, you may need to spend more or less time studying the book. The list below lists most of the major topics we have discussed. I may have missed one or two but the notes will make that clear.

Chapters 5 and 6

Chapters 7-9

Chapter 10 and first half of 11

A few example questions: these are examples. The examples given do NOT cover all the topics, they are examples only.

1. What is the main source of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere?

a. oxygen is produced by photosynthesis in plants

b. oxygen has been present in the atmosphere since the formation of earth.

c. oxygen is liberated from the dissociation of water in the oceans.

d. oxygen is continuously created from the impacts of comets

2. For a star that is more massive and hotter than the Sun, the habitable zone will likely be:

a. About the same distance from that star as we are from the Sun.

b. Closer to the star than we are from the Sun.

c. Suitable to sustain life on a planet for much longer time than the Sun will be able to.

d. Further away from the star than we are from the Sun.

3. Which kind of star has the longest life time?

a. Stars like the Sun.

b. Stars with more mass than the Sun.

c. Stars with less mass than the Sun.

d. All stars have equal life times.

4. What is generally the lowest cost type of mission to another planet?

a. a lander

b. an orbiter

c. a fly-by

d. a manned mission

5. What is good about the Sun that helped create and sustain life on earth?

a. The sun emits a lot of ultraviolet light.

b. The sun is closer to the earth in the summer.

c. The sun has always been around.

d. The sun varies little in brightness over extended periods.

6. Why do we place telescopes in space? (At least two reasons).

7. The temperature of a planet in the solar system depends on its distance to the Sun, but also on some other important properties. Name at least one.

8. Describe one source of heat for planets or moons of planets that we discussed that does NOT depend on incoming sun light.

9. Give two reasons why Mars is a good planet to look for life in the solar system.

10. Consider biological evolution and the characteristics it may produce in species. Why do you think our eyes are best at seeing optical light and not the other kinds of light at other wavelengths?

11. Which planet in the solar system has the strongest greenhouse effect, which one the weakest?

12. What date of the year did the human species appear on Sagan's cosmic calendar? On what date did the dinosaurs go extinct?

13. True or false: Because the atmosphere on Mars is so tenuous, it does not produce a greenhouse effect