Some review questions on extra-solar planets.

1. Which of the various methods so far has led to discovery of the most planets?

a. Doppler shift method

b. Transit method

c. Direct imaging method

d. Gravitational micro-lensing method?


2. In the Doppler shift method, what do we measure?

a. The velocity variations of the planet

b. The velocity variations of the star

c. The brightness of the star

d. The wobble of the star on the sky.

3. In which methods is it easiest to find big planets close to the stars?

a. Transit method

b. Doppler method

c. Direct Imaging Method

d. a & b.

e. b & c.

4. In which method would it be easier to find big planets far away from the stars?

5. Around which kind of stars will it be easiest to find planets as small as Earth using the Doppler method?

a. solar-type stars

b. stars smaller than the Sun

c. stars brighter than the Sun

6. How about the transit method? Again considers answers a,b, c in question 5.

7. If we can't see planets as small as Earth, will we ever be able to find out about the atmospheres of such planets orbiting other stars?