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GEAS Project Updates

If you are interested in receiving an occasional update about the astronomy resources of the GEAS project, or in serving as a beta-tester for any of our materials, please fill in the form below.

First Name:
  Last Name:

Do have a particular interest in any aspect of the GEAS project, or comments for us?

Please tell us about yourself (check as many as apply):

I teach at a research university.
I teach at a four-year college or university without a significant astronomy research program.
I teach at a community college.
I teach at a high school.
I don't currently teach, but expect to in the future.
I do science research.
I do science education research.
I work at a planetarium, museum, nature center, or other informal science institution.
I am a graduate student.
I am a webmaster, blogger, or web designer.
I work as education or public outreach (EPO) staff.
I am a science writer or public information officer.
I am an editor or staff member for a publishing house.
I work at NASA, NSF, NRAO, NOAO, or another government science agency.