CONTENTS OF THIS REPOSITORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARTRATE - an ionization code (c) Christopher W. Churchill (NMSU) in collaboration with Elizabeth Klimek (NMSU) Jacob Vander Vliet (NMSU) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The primary download file is 'hartrate.tar.gz'. The two other files you will want are 'CONTENTS' (this file) and the 'README' file. The 'README' file provides installation instructions, and general information on running the code. Here, we provide the file contents of the primary file 'hartrate.tar' and a brief description of each file... hartrate/Makefile - standard Makefile for 'make' command to compile program (fortran 95) hartrate/rates.inp - contains runtime directives hartrate/files-auger.f - file i/o control for Auger ionization data hartrate/files-coll.f - file i/o control for collisional ionization data hartrate/files-photo.f - file i/o control for photoionization data hartrate/files-recomb.f - file i/o control for recombination data hartrate/funcs-auger.f - computation of Auger ionization rates hartrate/funcs-coll.f - computation of collision ionization rate coeffs hartrate/funcs-photo.f - computation of photoionization rates hartrate/funcs-recomb.f - computation of recombination rate coeffs hartrate/kingdon-mod.f - computation of charge exchange rate coeffs hartrate/phfit-mod.f - computation of photoionization cross sections hartrate/rates-alphas.f - subroutines to populate rate coeffs hartrate/rates-comm.f - file i/o for "rates.inp" and output results hartrate/rates.f - main driver program hartrate/rates-files.f - reads general atomic indexing information hartrate/rates-sed.f - generates ionizing radiation spectrum hartrate/rates-solve4.f - solves the rate matrix hartrate/rates-subs.f - general supporting subroutines hartrate/rates.h - sets data storage parameters hartrate/ - declarations of Auger ionization global variables hartrate/ - declarations of collisional ionization global variables hartrate/ - declarations of data file string global variables hartrate/ - declarations of boolean control modes global variables hartrate/ - declarations of photoionization global variables hartrate/ - declarations of recombination global variables hartrate/ - declarations of general global variables hartrate/kingdon-data.blk - block data for charge exchange rate coeffs hartrate/phfit-data.blk - block data for photoionization cross sections hartrate/Iondata/tab-auger-Wijk.dat - yield probabilities for Auger ionization hartrate/Iondata/tab-coll-DI.dat - fitting coeffs for direct collision ionization hartrate/Iondata/tab-ionkj-ID.dat - table of ion IDs hartrate/Iondata/tab-isoseq-ID.dat - table of isosequences hartrate/Iondata/tab-recomb-HDR.dat - fitting coeffs for hi-T dielectronic recombination hartrate/Iondata/tab-recomb-LDR.dat - fitting coeffs for lo-T dielectronic recombination hartrate/Iondata/tab-recomb-PL.dat - fitting coeffs for photoionization cross sections hartrate/Iondata/tab-shell-ID.dat - shell IDs (for photoionization) hartrate/Iondata/tab-speck-ID.dat - table of species indices and IDs hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu.README - Readme file for generation of UVB spectra hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z0.0.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=0.0 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z0.2.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=0.2 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z0.4.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=0.4 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z0.6.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=0.6 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z0.8.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=0.8 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z1.0.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=1.0 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z1.2.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=1.2 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z1.4.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=1.4 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z1.6.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=1.6 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z1.8.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=1.8 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z2.0.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=2.0 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z2.2.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=2.2 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z2.4.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=2.4 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z2.6.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=2.6 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z2.8.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=2.8 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z3.0.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=3.0 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z3.2.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=3.2 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z3.4.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=3.4 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z3.6.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=3.6 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z3.8.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=3.8 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z4.0.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=4.0 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z4.2.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=4.2 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z4.4.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=4.4 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z4.6.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=4.6 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z4.8.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=4.8 hartrate/UVBspectrum/HM05_Jnu_z5.0.cont - Haardt & Madau UVB spectrum z=5.0 hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_0d004m_1Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=0.004,age=1Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_0d004m_5Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=0.004,age=5Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_0d004m_10Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=0.004,age=10Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_0d004m_20Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=0.004,age=20Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_0d004m_40Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=0.004,age=40Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_1Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=solar,age=1Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_5Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=solar,age=5Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_10Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=solar,age=10Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_20Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=solar,age=20Myr hartrate/Sb99spectrum/Ms3_40Myr.stb99 - Starburst 99 spectrum log(M*)=3,Z=solar,age=40Myr hartrate/Output/rates.runlog - run log file (example shown for MODE=3) hartrate/Output/sed-full.dat - total ionizing SED (E vs J_E) hartrate/Output/sed-SB99.dat - Starburst 99 SED (E vs J_E) hartrate/Output/sed-UVB.dat - UVB SED (E vs J_E) hartrate/Output/ne.nkjT - electron density ne(nH,T,Z,J_E) hartrate/Output/H.fkjT - H ion ionization fractions f_kj(nH,T,Z,J_E) hartrate/Output/H.nkjT - H ion densities n_kj(nH,T,Z,J_E) hartrate/Output/H.Rphot_kjT - H ion photoionization rates Rph(J_E) hartrate/Output/H.arec_kjT - H ion recombination rate coefficients b(T) hartrate/Output/H.acoll_kjT - H ion collisional ionization rate coefficients a(T) + *.fkjT, *.nkjT, *.Rphot_kjT, *.arec_kjT, *.acoll_kjT files for He, C, N, O, Mg, Si, S, etc. all the files contained in 'hartrate/Output/' directory are provided only as example output; they can be deleted with no consequence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eof