MultiDark-Patchy LRG mocks (version 6S and 6C) for the Final BOSS-LRG DR12
If you use these mocks please reference both papers by
Kitaura et al. (2016) and Rodriguez-Torres et al. (2016).

Version 6C was built for constructing the "C"ovariance matrix of the Final DR12 BOSS clustering measurements. We have done some tuning so that the clustering agrees with observed data in terms of 1-point, 2-point, and 3-point clustering statistics in redshift space. We have also included the evolution measured from the observed data in both monopole and quadrupole (configuration space and Furious-space). Therefore, this set of mocks is ideal for the covariance matrix estimation.

  • General description
The necessary periodic Boxes were made using the PATCHY code, which is based on Augmented Lagrangian Perturbation Theory and a bias scheme (Kitaura, Yepes & Prada 2014), where the bias parameters are fitted to the proper clustering of the BigMultiDark Planck simulation for each redshift snapshot (Klypin et al. 2016) that match the BOSS LRG clustering. More information in Rodriguez-Torres et al. 2016 for the light-cone mocks, which are built using the SUGAR code and the Mock-Factory products
These mocks were designed to reproduce the observed evolution of the clustering, and its dependency with stellar mass.
Initial conditions of the Patchy code were created using that of the BigMultiDark Planck simulation:

  • Cosmology
All quantities in these catalogs were constructed using the Planck1 cosmology

OmegaM = 0.307115
OmegaL = 0.692885
Omegab = 0.048
sigma8 = 0.8288
h = 0.6777

(RA, DEC) are in degrees,
MSTAR, stellar mass in solar mass units,
NBAR comes from nbar Reid dr12v4 and dr12v5 files, re-scaled to Planck1 as the fiducial cosmology,
BIAS: Compute from the clustering in different bins of stellar mass,
VETO FLAG: 0 = object excluded by veto mask, 1 = otherwise,
FIBER COLLISION: Fiber collision weights. We use flag collided.cpp included in the mockFactory product.

Random are generated using shuffle method.
We provide randoms 10, 20, 50 and 100 times larger than data. These randoms are not independent between them. Random x10, x20 and x50 are subsamples of x100.

Weights (FKP+veto+fiber collision) should be computed using:
Data: wtot=({Col7_D* Col8_D)/(1+10000*Col5_D),
Random: wtot=(Col6_R*Col7_R)/(1+10000*Col4_R),
where, Col5_D(Col4_R), Col7_D(Col6_R) and Col8_D(Col7_R) correspond to the number density, the veto flag and the fiber collision weight for mock (random) catalogs.
These are the default weights; however, other combination can be done depending on the user's wish.

  • CMASS mocks (4096 mocks NGC+SGC)
Mocks cover redshift range z=0.43 to z=0.75. Geometry was applied using mksample results for CMASS DR12V4 NGC and SGC. Stellar mass and bias included.

  • LOWZ mocks (4096 mocks NGC+SGC)
Mocks cover redshift range z=0.15 to z=0.43. Geometry was applied using
mksample results for LOWZ DR12V4 NGC and SGC.Sellar mass and bias included.

  • COMBINED (CMASS+LOWZ) mocks (10240 mocks NGC+SGC)
Mocks for CMASS+LOWZ sample. These mocks reproduce the combined number density between z=0.2 and z=0.75 and use CMASS DR12V5 masks. Stellar mass and bias included.
We provide mocks for different areas. We use the same nomenclature as the mksample products.
- CMASSLOWZ: chunk >7 (4096 NGC+SGC).
- CMASSLOWZEARLY2trimmed: chunk2 region (2048 NGC).
- CMASSLOWZEARLY3-6trimmed: chunk3-6 region (2048 NGC).
- CMASSLOWZTOT: chunk2 + chunk3-6+chunk>7 (2048 NGC)
We also provide a few mocks chunk2+chunk>7 with chunk2 number density (CMASSLOWZEARLY2) and chunk3-6+chunk>7 with chunk3-6 number density (CMASSLOWZEARLY3-6) to produce randoms. Shuffling to construct randoms must be done for the different region separately, because each of them has different number density, the final random for CMASSLOWZTOT is the addition of randoms for the three different areas.