Header image BDM Halo Catalogs

There are different types of halo catalogs. BDM halo finder provides halo catalogs, which are listed bellow. Code gives fortran-90 code to read the files. It also gives the BDM code with the parameters used to make the halo catalogs and the code, which makes lists of most bound particles. Examples of halo identification are given in Pictures


Basic properties of all halos and subhalos. There is no distinction between halos and subalos. There is a header in each file, which describes each entry in the lists. "nnn" is the time-step number. Look in Logs for mapping to the expansion parameter and redshift. Unbound particles are removed from all halos. This includes both distinct and sub- halos. Minimum distance between halos is 10 kpc/h.

There are 9-12M halos in each catalog. Catalogs are complete down to halos with 50 particles and Vmax =50km/s.


Basic properties of Distinct halos with the number of particles larger than 500. No unbinding is done for these halos. Distinct halo is defined as a halo, which is not inside a virial radius of a larger halo.

Each catalog has about 1M halos.

CatalogDistinctA.nnn.DAT The same as CatshortDistinctA.nnn.DAT, but it also provides profiles of each individual halo.

These catalogs provide lists of most bound particles for halos in CatshortA.nnn.DAT. Each file starts with a long header followed by records - one per halo - with information for halos. Each record has halo number, coordinates, velocities, mass, Rvir, Vrms, Vmax, number of selected particles, and list of particles id's. These are fortran unformatted files with big-endian coding. To make testing of codes easier, we provide short ASCII files, which have the same header and the first 1000 halos.

Program PMhaloTrace.f90 reads those files and constructs lists of major progenitors of all halos. Look in BDM to find the code.



Major progenitors for all halos for all redshifts. These files have information about all the halos, not only for major progenitors of z=0 halos. Halos are split into 100 files each having about 194K halos. Files with names 'HaloTrace.nnn.dat' are fortran big-endian unformatted files. For convinience I also made ascii files, which have the same information. Those have names 'HaloTraceASCII.nnn.dat'.